On Saturday June 22, it is stained in the Steinhuder barn area. At the end of the month of their project, which celebrates initiative of global ethic Steinhude from 11: 00 the Youth Festival of world religions.No peace among the Nations without peace among the religions “is the guiding principle for a peaceful coexistence in the world, the Prof. Hans Kung in 1990 in his book project of world ethos”formulated and he now not lost on timeliness. Since June 1st Steinhuder citizens can global ethic project month initiative of global ethic Steinhude meet the implementation of this idea in different events. Saturday June 22 a summer feast in the barn area Steinhuder, which takes place at the end of the month of project from 11: 00 the initiative of global ethic Steinhude with Ganden Shedrub Ling Tibetan Centre for culture and Buddhism organized. On the program are numerous activities which directly experience the idea of global ethic.
By 18.00 hours, visitors can expect music, dance and Theater events and dining from around the world and a multicultural fashion show. All proceeds around the summer festival come the SOS Children’s village Mussoorie Tibetan homes “benefit. As a highlight of the Festival, the global ethic Ark will be inaugurated at 11:30. The eight-meter-long Steinhuder Hunter ship was since April by pupils of the Graf-Wilhelm school and the Steinhuder gymnasium under the motto all together in a boat, for a peaceful and Livable World makes and interactively the global ethic idea of the dialogue of cultures. So for example, the rows of seats with different flags are designed, which symbolize the different Nations and will be on the pole compass of conscience attached.
Dr. Ingfried Hobert, initiator of initiative global ethic Steinhude “, summarizes the idea of the event: I understand the Festival as an appeal to the students: look, time for outrage, hired you, to have courage to make the world a better place! Everything is possible now! We want to the young people inspire and encourage them to participate actively in the design and implementation of a global ethic idea. The idea of global ethic-the global ethic idea goes back to the Tubingen-based Swiss theologian Hans Kung and his book project of world ethos “(1990). Therein and in later works he developed”world ethos”, a common foundation of values of all religions and cultures, as the basis for a successful inter-religious dialogue as well as base for a cross cultural values education. First international recognition was the global ethic idea in 1993 in the “Parliament of world religions in Chicago: there, representatives of the major world religions which have Declaration toward a global ethic agreed for the first time in the history of religion on a consensus in questions of ethos. This global ethic Declaration is the programmatic basis of the work of the Tubingen world ethos Foundation. The initiative of global ethic Steinhude inspired by the project of world ethos since 2011 Steinhuder citizens are involved in. who founded by Dr. Ingfried Hobert initiative of global ethic Steinhude the global ethic idea local young people to communicate. The initiative conceived and organised the Steinhuder Youth Festival, which is funded largely by the world ethos Foundation.