Tag: marriage

Xavier Tamayo Sewer

Although he has been diaphanous that the avarice never is good motor of economy and that the markets cannot be regulated to themselves (they have to be watched and to be regulated with iron hand), indeed because the greed, ostentation and waste cannot be the motors of those who handle the financial world. Since Luis Sampedro has said to us recently to Jose, the same idea of the economic development is a degeneration. The degeneration of the illusions of the reason . Beyond the discord between the great economic powers, and knowing that as important as the practical proposals it is the rehabilitation of values and principles, we would have to consider what has been said by Rahm Emmanuel, head of cabinet of Obama: " One is never due to fail to take advantage of crisis". If, since us has remembered Nobel Paul Krugman, Reagan took advantage of the crisis 1987 to change everything to the benefit of the rich minority, neoliberal involution, why not to take advantage of this crisis to deeply straighten the course that has taken to the disaster? Recovering ethical principles, of solidarity, justice and respect to means atmosphere, to the planet, over the greed, the incessant growth and the waste. In the last years, after the collapse of the Soviet empire and the miserable victory of Capitalism in their ominous neoliberal version, their worse consequences felt with crudity: quick collapse of the Argentine economy, increase of the poor men, major impoverishment of countries already impoverished and astronomical growth of the inequality between countries and classes in the countries, among others. But also answers arose. Protest in Seattle and all the cities where the economic elites met, birth of World-wide the Social Forum, global opposition to the unique thought (the dogma of the consensus of Washington), social popular movements in Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, great political awareness of the NGO a constant challenge to the neoliberal disorder.

The social movements in South America have taken shape politically and have chosen a majority of governments progressives in the region, governments who defy the deregulation, the absolute freedom of the capital, the privatization like panacea and the depredadora action of the transnational companies. It is a good way to begin to change the things, because he is demonstrated that without action nor pressure from down, there are no changes by above that deserve such name. We take advantage of the crisis to change the things. Xavier Tamayo Sewer Journalist and writer Original author and source of the article.

Earn Marketing

Give people something worthy to be forwarded. Your readers will not be broadcasting your newsletter, nor much less your advertising messages unless there is something in these messages that motivate their forwarding, this can be a game, a video, a Council, a contest or anything that represents a real value for the Reader 2. Make it easy. Add a friendly button that forwards to a friend and to help people to do so immediately. 3. Use the correct list.

According to results of the report only 7% of adults have been broadcast a message to another adult. Only 3% aged 18 to 24 did so, while 10% of adults between 45 and 54 have forwarded viral marketing message. 4. Think of allies. The reason for the these campaigns are leaving is used is by the always contentious issue of the return on investment. Specialists familiar with the topic can achieve better results and although it seems that it will spend more in the end return in revenue can justify that investment. Another option is to ally with another company to distribute their expenses 5.

Relate his message with a blog or a microsite. Don’t rely only on the list of e-mail messages that you have on hand. But be careful, not to lose time not to resort to deceptive practices participate in blogs pretending to be a user, is much better to be one mimo. Be sensitive to negative feedback and respond to it with transparency of these five important recommendations, which is definitely decisive is the first. If there is something valuable to the reader, there is no effort that is worth. Definitely as Azucena Feregrino says, viral marketing allows you to exponentially grow its customer base, resulting in each satisfied customer in a certain number of recommendations, depending on the circle of friends or contacts that have our receptor-emisor. A clear example of word-of-mouth is the site of Amazon.com where your partner’s sales through a bonus is rewarded. And not only that, just visit the site to see that they are the true strategists in the word-of-mouth, there is a strong motivation for buying gifts for family or friends, in addition, in case outside little, every book that is sent is I get a coupon from Amazon with the promotion of their products. Finally be present indicating cnnexpansion.com, viral marketing requires 4 conditions to function properly: 1. make the product interesting, because nobody talks about boring products. If your product is conventional give you an added value that no one has referred to. 2 Exceeds expectations. A satisfied customer can talk product, but a surprised customer will spontaneously speak of it. 3 Earn respect. A product with quality and consistency in service will eventually make people talk of him. Never lose the standard of service, the return is imminent. 4 Make it easy. A simple product with a simple but striking benefit, is more likely to generate conversation. Original author and source of the article.

World Know

The base of a happy marriage is when each person in the marriage feels successful like an individual (Not like pair). How you feel, she will have a great impact in the happiness of your marriage So instead of to try to convince your husband that it likes, Why not to trust you to feel special? When assuming the responsibility of your emotions, you have taken the first step to save your marriage, thus your husband does not want to do it. Your bonds much, you are one in a million, you do not allow that the cirscunstancia or the society says to you that to do or as you must of sentirte. Now already you know it, you are not like the thousands of women around the world who do not know this, your you have a great advantage since you know already it, now is only question to apply it. Hazlo, you are not only like the women who continue crying and complaining their spouses, and do not make anything to reclaim them, they do not do anything is why their marriages fail.

When I decidi, to rise to me of the ground and to clear my tears, was when she takes the correct attitude to save my marriage, when better me senti like person, was that it makes the decision to look for aid. Your You are One in a Million, Not it Olvides Never! It remembers that if nonbeams nothing, is not either going to pass nothing, as soon as to read this article I aloud gave that you are a precious Jewel, somebody that is worth much reason why it is, that is no better woman in the world that your, repeats the several times you create until it, when you feel already it, begins to admire your husband, of that form you would only manage to save your marriage, I guarantee it to you. You already know that to accounts with my total support from my page Web in this duro process, as for me seguire writing but information so that to the aim you obtain To recover your marriage. We see in my page Web! Your Kar friend it Go’mez PS: Djame a commentary I would like to know but of you, and you tell me that but you made for sentirte the best Woman of the World =)