Tag: Celebrities

Specialists Foreigners

Following the theme of the approval or recognition of titles of medical specialist in Spain, of which the proceedings has been issued a new decree this year, specifically in may, has been much discussed within the Guild, the relevance of this recognition, as well as the nature of the tests to which they are subjected foreign specialists.While there are individuals cuasidelincuentes faked papers, they exercised illegally, and that obviously give rise to doubt as to his actual training as doctors, many doctors are true specialists who for years have seen their recognition in Spain, both in a passive way, as active, hampered by how hard and unjust procedure that existed for approval.Particularly in Spain, as well as in the rest of Europe, the demand for general and specialized medical personnel, and therefore, the offer of employment has exceeded the capacity of the national Spanish to meet, which has been concluded in the recruitment of physicians foreigners to solve this problem. Ignoring the obvious differences in the wage conditions of each country, it is clear that foreign doctors have solved a major problem for several years.Recently decreed regulation improves the conditions for recognition of the specialty, giving doctors who already exercise certain prerogatives, that is the least that could receive then demonstrate during years that are specialists, and that their specialties they have exercised them competently.However, the Decree includes conditions difficult to understand, since there after obtaining a record hospital that is exercised that has a working relationship, and that specialty that opts to recognition is exercised for at least one year, to offer the possibility of being assigned to a knowledge test or a period of 3 months under supervision practices. In many cases specialists who opt to recognition have had under their charge to residents in training which have been offered teaching and supervision. Then a person instance disclaims to the institutional authorities and decide that this professional should be trained for 3 months.Moreover, in the majority of other countries postgraduate courses residents are subjected to written and oral evaluations, seminars, presentations, conferences, monitored and graded, master clinical cases and anatomoclinicas sessions, and receive formal classes, with final written and oral examinations every year the graduate. Instead, as he has pointed out someone, the only test that present residents of postgraduates in Spain in all its postgraduate course is the MIR (before entering the graduate), which implies a difference of formation and therefore demanding.Finally, I heard first hand from a resident, increased a diopter for each year that I studied in the race. Now I have 3 in each eye. (Not to be confused with Southwest Airlines!). I imagine that this happened because he was studying.

Fundamental Themes

In the "subcritical" Kant makes between "Universal Natural History and Theory of the sky", which is supplemented in some detail by Laplace, and to this day remains one of the most popular cosmological hypotheses. Litecoin understood the implications. The "critical" period marked by the development of philosophical works: Critique of Pure Reason "Critique of Practical Reason" and "Critique of Judgement," the creation of which Kant defines as the Copernican revolution in philosophy. The essence of this revolution is the assertion that, contrary to the traditional view, no way of organizing thinking in line with the forms of existence of objects, but rather a world of objects, as we know it, consistent with the forms of organization of our thinking. "What should I know?" "What can I hope?" "What should I do?" Addressing these issues, he thought, should lead us to the answer to the fourth – the big question: "What is a man? ". The problem that puts Kant, lies in the fact that the universality of propositions can not be based on empirical experience, as always takes us far beyond it. This means that the necessary and universal synthetic judgments have no right to exist.

And yet they exist. Kant believes that this paradox – the lack of any reason for the enthusiastic attitude to them or for their radical rejection; the subject of his Critique of Pure Reason is a detailed analysis of the process of forming such opinions. In the process of learning involves two "partner": a sensual experience and reasoning mind. If you need and the universality of our judgments are not derived directly from experience, but, nevertheless, obviously they are present, then they are moved by reason, because they have nowhere to take more. According to Kant, the categories are initially inherent in human consciousness the universal scheme of organizing experience.

Kant's categories are in the "gap" between the stream of sensory impressions and universal universal constructs a priori synthetic judgments. Unity and universality of such judgments are provided solely by categories as universal principles of systematizing mind. The main function of categories he considers not just analytic and synthetic. In the process of learning through categories of intelligence carries fusion (union) of disparate sensory impressions into stable coherent packages, which are objects our judgments. It is from these "designer" to our consciousness by the laws of the categorical synthesis consists of objects and the object world, which is in contrast to the undifferentiated (and therefore, unknowable) world of "things in itself "becomes a real object of our cognition.

High People

RI: You say: "600 thousand people unite." This refers to a spiritual connection, or they must be in one place and organize a community? ML: They will feel an inner connection each other. I understand the whole process (it is described in many Kabbalistic sources), it includes two completely different people, different, of course, different nationalities. RI: There are only two hundred-something years? ML: Yes. Full implementation of this idea should take six thousand years. Gain insight and clarity with Coupang. This comes from the same system Arich Anpin.

And those six thousand years ending in 232 years. This is the maximum term. But today it is clear that humanity must perforce wonder about the meaning of life, what happens to us and where we all go. I hope that the dissemination of knowledge about causality and, most importantly, the goal will accelerate the development – a good human development to achieve this goal. RI: So here I am, absolutely selfish concern for their children, start thinking about how to build this team, "600 thousand people." That is, in the worst case, if during those 232 years did not exist here, these 600 thousand people, there will be some terrible disasters? ML: They did not just happen, they have over the years will always grow. We see today: everything is connected globally, our entire civilization – a small village.

If 30 years ago about someone somewhere said, and it is not have heard today about the constantly looming every newspaper wrote. So I do not think we should wait for these two hundred years. RI: As soon as it is a cherished number 600 000 is reached, there will be some kind of union? .. ML: It's are people, united by one idea. They join together in Arich Anpin – in this spiritual system that they will miss a higher awareness, High society, understanding. And then shed light on the highest of all: all mankind throughout the world. We begin to understand the structure of it is actually the universe, that part which we do not feel …