The Experience

We understand that, so that has the construction of a quality school must have a collective project and the participation of all its members, as well as the contribution of the society. Throughout our work, we defend the conclusion of the escolaridade as a social right e, in this direction, we emphasize importance of the actions that come to guarantee the access and to offer conditions of permanence in the school. In this context the partnerships between the public and the private one appear aiming at the shared management and the decentralization of the power, searching it participation of the companies, as much for physical recovery of the schools, as for activities of educational complementation. We stand out, however, the obligation of the State stops with the guarantee of the obligator escolaridade, reflecting critically on the consequences of one neoliberal politics that reigns nowadays, transferring the responsibility of the public power to the society and extending ' ' wave of privatizaes' ' of the public institutions in our way. We believe that the partnership has brought resulted positive for the school, favoring a differentiated routine of other schools of the City, considering the work conditions that are offered. In this direction, one becomes more easy to make a work directed toward the exercise of the citizenship, being fortified cultural, social, affective, historical and educational the aspects, in its varied contexts, since for the pupils the experience of the pertaining to school experiences, provides to them to a learning stimulant based on the playful activity, despertando interest and pleasure to the involved pupils. CONCLUSIONS We historically follow the fights for the democratization of the school, by means of the universalizao of the access and guarantee of an essential right to the citizen. Currently, is transferred to emphasize it the quality of the education, understood as productivity, investing in a competitiveness each more increasing time.