Tag: Internet Marketing


And so, RSS from English Really Simple Syndication is translated as – Really Simple Syndication, but more logical to say – Simple Syndication. I am sure that each of you has your favorite websites or blogs to which you regularly go in search of new interesting content to you. Right? And you wonder how you spend your precious time on this trip to Page? But what if it were not for you go to these pages, and pages themselves would come to you! So RSS-subscription fundamentally changes the way information! Through RSS you greatly save your time! You create a news feed, which will be sent to all the news from your favorite Web sites and blogs where you can immediately see the new article, and do not waste your time looking for new content. Here, Tiger Global Management expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The only condition is that the website or blog, on which you wish to subscribe, should be implemented with RSS-feed. How do I find RSS-feed? It's simple! That is such an icon, or like me, or something else like that became a symbol of RSS. With one click on it you can subscribe to your favorite site. A related site: Cerved mentions similar findings. The question arises: "How to read RSS-subscription?" On Today, there are a number of programs and services, allowing to read RSS-subscription. Most popular this: Yandeks.LentGoogle ReaderBloglines recommend to everyone who has a website or blog to RSS-feed. Respect your readers! And another tip. Richard Anderson contains valuable tech resources. Place the icon RSS-subscription as high as possible on your website. This is to ensure that the subscriber can immediately subscribe to your blog or website, and not waste time searching!

Yandex Tips

These days you can not leaving because of the desktop, go to Yandex, enter a search string in the name of the product, visit the department store company, it sells, to determine the color, and the number of subspecies and just get on with the administration home or at work. Obviously, for the number of popular products online offers unusually large tors. To whom of them will come a rich client? Life said that the client usually makes the choice in the direction of the store, which is in the top of the sheet of sites referred to the robot. On what basis certain sites appear more profitable to others? Why do they get such privileges? Most often, other things being equal, is located in the top of that web site, which are linked to other more regular Internet resources. In this case, the more important references a website, the greater is the link to it. In addition, it is important that the link was framed text Godea her direction. For this reason, the professionals are eager to find unique content on the direction of the resource.

For this reason they bought from the masters of copywriting, translation of articles, the generation of articles. Better look over these methods of writing unique content. Translation of articles – a delicious way to fill the low-cost high quality web sites unique content. In addition, adapted well to apply the release for reproduction at promotion Web resources. Well, to translate articles carried professionals, because poorly executed transfer can change the impression of a delightful in other aspects of the website. With regard to the generation of texts – is completely new service on the market of Internet technologies.

Due to the generation, professionals acquire the ability to use a decent number of texts for promotion of their websites. These articles are original, and therefore their not eliminate the search robot. And they certainly readable and organic, that is a normal user would see the site an excellent article, and not a stupid choice of characters, usually appearing at robotovom generation. Someone will note that Reproduction of articles clog the Internet. In some ways this is true, but thanks to this content at the top of Google's living resources, the most interested in marketing and their customers.


Why the amount in the store, but novelty, utilitarian satisfaction needs of people moving in space. To see other people who feel a sense of ownership in this case to the community of buyers, it is important. How many times have we made purchases with you, looking at the others on the basis of their need, therefore be useful for us, the choice of a nearby stranger determined our choice. (The use of psychological law "As a neighbor.") You move yourself around the store, bringing to a particular department, listening to presentation, an offer of help. Thus, it is already possible to communicate.

At the reception desk a small window for ANY questions. The whole Internet is full: You've seen a FAQ, before you ask, the answer is already there. On the forums screaming Moderators: "I am 5 minutes ago answered that question, see above." The feeling of his own stupidity, that you ask a simple question, and the importance of employment and the creators of sites that they do not have time to answer stupid questions. And in any shop, the seller is responsible to everyone that "the bread is fresh, fashionable skirt from the new collection, the book is interesting, the film – a novelty, sausage, etc. were brought today." And our girl-robot, in fact, she and the robot will analyze the issues. And everyone even a minute later to repeat the answers. And, if no response from the FAQ, to forward the issue to a human moderator, informing the buyer. Thus, will be met one of the important needs of the buyer on an individual approach, communication.

Yandex Search

According to the statement the search engine Yandex, the vast majority own site – this is search engine spam. Values for the visitor, they do not carry any, and, often, and does – consist of one stranitsy.Traditsionno to search engine spam include actions to get your site into the Top SERPs by fooling search sistem.Slishkom high content of such sites, search engines are forced to begin to actively combat nimi.Osnovnymi species are considered search spam: doorway pages, cloaking, swapping, duplication of pages, pages of a glut of key words, redirect (redirect). Doorways. Doorway pages or sites known to redirecting visitors to another site, untwisted site, and its contents may be radically different from the search query for which a visitor came to the doorway. This is the main goal Doorway: redirect the visitor to another sayt.Inymi words, the doorways to help "attract" visitors to different needs. Because the main untwisted site can be optimized under the same requests, and doorways – completely under the other, therefore, untwisted say1t get those and other visitors.

Despite the fact that the doorway will never be visible to users, it still optimize and unwind. For search engine is common site or page, but only as long as the search bot does not understand that it is a one untwisted sayt.Na this site may account for some doorways, and it can be domain names third and second level, which also require material investments. Redirect. Redirection or redirection is carried out by the JavScript runtime or cgi script.