Record numbers from Munich: Fund exceeds financial fiscal year 2011 own expectations Munich, 24.07.2012 – Fund financial Broker service GmbH has to report in the year 2011 in all areas of business in record numbers. In a question-answer forum Bernard Golden was the first to reply. Revenues have EUR 109.3 million (py 78.0 million euros / + 40.1%) significantly exceeded the attached self mark of 100 million euros. This positive trend is reflected in the result of from ordinary activities with EUR 10.1 million (VJ. EUR 6.2 million / + 61.3%) and the profit for the year (EAT) of EUR 6.5 million (VJ. 3.9 million euro / + 67.2%) against. The strong growth of in profits is also on internal efficiency improvement measures. Equity of the Fund financial doubled almost EUR 11.5 million (previous year EUR 6.0 million / + 90.8%). Extremely satisfied the two managing directors of the Fund financial broker GmbH, Norbert Porazik and Markus Kiener look back, 2011 on the now-completed fiscal year: we work since many years of a solid and sustainable orientation of the Fund financial.
Our broker trust us, product donors work in partnership with us. The record result of the fiscal year 2011 is impressive confirmation for this.” Tim Bania, Member of the Executive Board and responsible for business development and finance, financial adds relative to the performance of the funds: we have claimed in a difficult market environment. Has once again shown in 2011 that our investments in more efficient structures in the optimization of processes and the introduction of professional risk management, have fully paid off.” Operations the Munich have able to earn 2011 commissions EUR 107.4 million (py 76.9 million / + 39.7%). Equity doubles: financial broker pool a further increase of the equity capital is possible with a solid foundation thanks to the high company profits. For the first time in the history of the company exceeds the equity with the Year-end 2011 the mark of 10 million euro.