Tag: conflict resolution

Neurolinguistic Interiors

Our personality is a collection of selves that sometimes are in conflict of interest using a metaphor is a kind of Congress, or Parliament, and at the time of the vote on a topic in particular, something about what there is to decide, most, raises his hand in the affirmative and some minority hands by refusing this minority often ends by sabotaging the project then is very useful to establish a mechanism of internal negotiation there are techniques of the Neurolinguistic that allow you to work the inner conflict in a person, to restore inner harmony and balance the balance is dynamic, a tightrope Walker who passes through a rope, is in continuing imbalance that happens is it leans to one side and compensates it imperceptibly towards the other side opposite thus preserved general equilibrium if stay completely stillIt would lose balance and fall. It is easy that parties other than ours personality which contain different beliefs, values, ambition, conflict. A typical example is when we are working and we want to relax, when finally take one day of rest, a demanding part an inner Censor us fully impidedisfrutar of the pleasure of rest as well, we feel remorse of conscience, and there, while we are resting appear onstage (in our mental scene) all tasks, what we need to do to learn how to negotiate with yourself / to, with your internal parts, must inevitably, get in touch with your all interior characters we have characters interiors, which are momentarily disputing control of the personality, to speak in any way you can have for example Censor inside, someone who tells you things or shows you somehow from the inside which you should not do this or that thing or not can is demandinginflexible, applies censorship and trafficking first and foremost impose compliance obligations often becomes a voice (or feeling) annoying that prevents enjoy or disrupts attempts to make new things and outside of what is the routine or the established other characters interiors you can have someone creative artist inside, or the critic, or the perfectionist end the optimistic or that wise voice that wisely advised the Sage Interior ultimatelyit comes to detect what are your own internal characters and how they are manifested in your case. .