Tag: actors

Xavier Tamayo Sewer

Although he has been diaphanous that the avarice never is good motor of economy and that the markets cannot be regulated to themselves (they have to be watched and to be regulated with iron hand), indeed because the greed, ostentation and waste cannot be the motors of those who handle the financial world. Since Luis Sampedro has said to us recently to Jose, the same idea of the economic development is a degeneration. The degeneration of the illusions of the reason . Beyond the discord between the great economic powers, and knowing that as important as the practical proposals it is the rehabilitation of values and principles, we would have to consider what has been said by Rahm Emmanuel, head of cabinet of Obama: " One is never due to fail to take advantage of crisis". If, since us has remembered Nobel Paul Krugman, Reagan took advantage of the crisis 1987 to change everything to the benefit of the rich minority, neoliberal involution, why not to take advantage of this crisis to deeply straighten the course that has taken to the disaster? Recovering ethical principles, of solidarity, justice and respect to means atmosphere, to the planet, over the greed, the incessant growth and the waste. In the last years, after the collapse of the Soviet empire and the miserable victory of Capitalism in their ominous neoliberal version, their worse consequences felt with crudity: quick collapse of the Argentine economy, increase of the poor men, major impoverishment of countries already impoverished and astronomical growth of the inequality between countries and classes in the countries, among others. But also answers arose. Protest in Seattle and all the cities where the economic elites met, birth of World-wide the Social Forum, global opposition to the unique thought (the dogma of the consensus of Washington), social popular movements in Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, great political awareness of the NGO a constant challenge to the neoliberal disorder.

The social movements in South America have taken shape politically and have chosen a majority of governments progressives in the region, governments who defy the deregulation, the absolute freedom of the capital, the privatization like panacea and the depredadora action of the transnational companies. It is a good way to begin to change the things, because he is demonstrated that without action nor pressure from down, there are no changes by above that deserve such name. We take advantage of the crisis to change the things. Xavier Tamayo Sewer Journalist and writer Original author and source of the article.