Survey Office

Appropriate financing form select for the Foreign capital needed are different forms of financing available. Mostly development loans are the cheapest option. Therefore, first, it should be checked whether the prerequisites for funding (E.g. (Similarly see: Southwest Airlines). through the KfW-bank) are available. Hereby, then if necessary a part of needed foreign capital can be covered.

Then, the appropriate form of financing of the activities of credit institutions must be selected. The annuity loans are the most common financing options (very well planned, consistent rates and firmly agreed interest rate for a certain time), the Volltilgerdarlehen (leading to faster debt relief through higher repayment, only for high-income borrowers suitable), the variable loan (with periodic adjustments of the interest rate, but significantly increased flexibility), the CAP loan (as a variation of the variable loan, however with a maximum limit of the interest rate agreement), as well as the building society loan. 5. necessary flexibility options settle one that later Income conditions changing faster debt relief or adjustment in itself is possible, as many more flexible options in the finance contract should be agreed. Include among others free special repayment options, a free adaptation of the repayment rate, etc. 6 perform a meaningful offer comparison is done the request given the key figures (loan amount, repayment rate, interest period, flexible options), this makes the following comparison easier.

So the best variants for individual needs can be filtered out of the offers (it as many provider should be queried) easier. 7 to negotiate! Found great deals, should try certainly to achieve further improvements through personal renegotiation with the respective credit institution. Many credit institutions can be moved by such an approach to further small concessions what ultimately a borrower large financial Relief can mean. 8 financing need clarify at usual home financing for new or extensions the loan amounts are usually graded after completion and paid appropriate proof in installments. But in reality often already large sums incurred must be paid. This extends to the contractor for the initial earthwork of the invoice by the Survey Office. It should be clarified so in advance already, when what is to be paid. Pure house purchases this will typically not be necessary. 9. before the signature all alone read before a – binding rule for many years – financing contract is signed, should the borrower alone carefully read all agreements (“fine print”) is. There is something incomprehensible or disadvantaged the borrower according to its own excess, consultation must be kept absolutely with the consultant and the Bank. 10. during the term of the loan again and again, a look at the Financial markets throw a house financing is usually many years and is binding for both sides. But not only, if the closer end of the interest period, the borrower in the market should look for a favorable follow-up financing. Sometimes, debt rescheduling or in a timely manner agreed further funding may (keyword: forward loan) quite profitable even if the credit institution shall calculate a compensation. It may be worth so, from time to time to take a look at the current offerings of other providers.