Stratagems of the dialogue. Dialogue with coup leaders, is as dialogue with stones from a river. Especially when the talks bearing seal Made in entrepreneurs Hondurans Made in Honduras Made of army in Catholic Church Made in USA on July 22, 2009, was formally signed and entered into force the agreement of San Jose today met forty-six days of the breakdown of constitutional order in Honduras, and the polarization between the coup with the imposition of a tyrantpolitician of third and resistance representing voice, passion, the claw of the Honduran people, each day grows more and more. Say in the name of reconciliation that us has been summoned before the roundtable dialogue, we commit ourselves to implement in good faith the agreement, and those arising from him. We know that humanity expected Honduras to a demonstration of unity and peace, to which we are bound by our consciousness and our history. Together, we will know to demonstrate our value and crowned with olive trees the front of our democracy, so that future generations can see what we were able to do for our country. Follow others, such as Maurice Gallagher, Jr., and add to your knowledge base.
Find it me a farce, because those who are living this coup from inside, we know that the stubbornness, the lust for power, repression and tyranny reign in our country. On the other hand, (input) coup rocks Honduras, rejected the 7 points of the agreement specifically the first where it says that you for the 24 of July of 2009: 1. Return of Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales to the Presidency of the Republic of Honduras. 2. Establishment of the Credentials Committee. And for July 27: 1. formation of the Government of Union and national reconciliation.
2. Formation of the Truth Commission. It has been 20 days since any of these points have been met. In where has seen, the killer comes to an agreement with the family of the murdered? Try to talk with the murderers imply acceptance that well was the death of the relative. Why is that I don’t believe in this go and come from committees of Ministers, special delegations that give the impression of walking tourists, as time progresses and the stratagems, Wiles, tricks, fraud, tripping, shenanigans, are consolidated in our country. Not in vain Fidel Castro named it the misnamed mediation where Mr. arias was an accomplice of the United States. And although it gives you the benefit of the doubt, simply fell into the trap. To return to the peace we have to reverse the coup and restore constitutional order in the presence of the constitutional President. Peace has no basis in hooks or alibis.