The person who, also, is worried about the politicians who it chose and as she walks suaadministrao, this person exerts the citizenship. Thinking about the past, it was more easy when existiamdisciplinas specific for this, to the forgotten OSPB (Social Organization ePoltica Brazilian) and the EMC (Moral and Civic Education) that: In accordance with the Decree Law 869/68, became obligator in the Brazilian pertaining to school resume from 1969, (…). Both, EMC and OSPB, (…) had been characterized for the transmission of the ideologiado authoritarian regimen when exaltar the nationalism and the patriotism of the pupils to eprivilegiar the education of factual information in detriment of the reflection and daanlise. (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002). These you discipline had been removed of currculosescolares for being considered ' ' you discipline of the time of the dictatorship militar' '. Great part of what he was taught in these you discipline had been lost e, umapequena part today fits to the history professor to teach. At that time it really was for ' ' transmission daideologia of the regimen autoritrio' ' (MENEZES and SAINTS, 2002), but today we live emuma democracy 4.
Oscidados Brazilian is free to choose who is its representatives. Thus, having EMC and OSPB as you discipline pertaining to school, they would be strengthening aformao of our citizens. ' ' Only fight for what it is respected. Quese is only respected loves. It is only loved what if conhece' ' 5.
The Brazilian identity currently, is focada in icons as the soccer, osamba, ' ' jeitinho brasileiro' ' , the persistence 6. Lack in the schools a civic culture, as it had behind about twenty years in the lessons Moral and Civic deEducao and Social Organization and Brazilian Politics. Have hasteamento of the National flag and if sang the hymns national, state emunicipal. They passed to the pupils the knowledge of the three to be able: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, and with this politics of this had a bigger knowledge of as funcionaa ours ' ' loved native land, idolatrada' ' 7.