Re conceptualization of the Virtual Enterprise Concept Dr. Salvador Gilberto Sotres Arevalo Given the advances of information technologies and telecommunications, and particularly the Internet, the concept limited to the decade of the 80 s is obsolete, giving way to a re-conceptualization of the concept of “virtual company” in the twenty-first century, as follows: “The virtual enterprise is a software system that operates on the Internet, he can make decisions using algorithms previously designed for the purpose and that with this technology partnership, the concept is intrinsic to an enterprise, which changes the paradigms of organization, work, production, marketing and legal framework. ” (Sotres Arevalo, Salvador Gilberto, Dr. – in his work: “The virtual enterprise. A new paradigm in contemporary management – Virtual Administration Theory.” Ed Tatevari Ediciones, SA de CV, Mexico, 2007).Although virtualization is the imminent development of the contemporary company of the future. Additional information at supports this article. The virtual enterprise is a term that every day becomes more familiar to our senses, through the media and the marketer, but what is really the virtual enterprise To answer this question, we will discuss the contemporary virtual enterprise has its origins from the shamrock organization proposed by Charles Handy in his book “The age of unreason” in 1989, in the states that, “Organizations used to be considered like giant pieces of engineering, with human parts largely interchangeable. We speak of its structures and its systems, inputs and outputs, resource control and administration, as if the total were a large factory. Today day, the language is not engineering but of politics, we speak of cultures and networks of teams and coalitions, of influence or power rather than control.In this regard we note that Handy spoke of a paradigmatic view of current globalization, however, anticipated the need for new forms of business organizations. Handy (1989) defines “shamrock organization” as an Irish three-leaf clover. Where the first sheet describes workers’ central organization, comprised of qualified professionals, technicians and administrators that are essential for the organization. The second sheet, represents the increase in outsourcing operations, so that all non-essential work is carried out by a workforce that is not part of the central organization.
The third leaf represents the flexible workforce, that is, employed on a temporary or hourly basis, as occurring fluctuations or peaks in demand. In short, describes an open organization that is strengthened by the use of other labor forces for non-core activities are carried out by them, today we know as subcontracting or outsourcing.This is a contrast to what Gary Hamel and CK Prahalad outlined on core activities, core or nuclear weapons, because through them are fully identify and virtual corporations through which are associated, without the figure of strategic alliances mentioned by Michael Porter. Later, in 1992 Davidow and Malone in his book “The where they present their particular view of the subject, and confine the concept to the eighties, which distorts and misleads the reality of the Virtual Enterprise as explain it rather as a network of companies around a central core.This can be seen when they say that “… unlike its contemporary predecessors, the virtual corporation will appear less discreet and more company continually block variant of common activities through a network of relationships” In early 1993 is a revitalization of the Virtual Enterprise concept and so are several articles where it is to recover the concept of Modular Virtual Corporation or from the perspective of organizational structure. In Fortune Magazine February 8, 1993 the Corporation called Modular, while the same day the Business Week magazine called Virtual Corporation and two days before, that is, on 6 February 1993, The Economist asserted, within the same line: “The global company: is dead.” With what new possibilities to study the issue of the virtual enterprise.In “The global company: deceased” by The Economist, is one of the most successful definitions of virtual enterprise, which generally have agreed some scholars, considering the Virtual Enterprise as “a temporary network of companies unite to exploit a market opportunity supported by specific technological capabilities that comprise the network. ” However, articles in Fortune and Bisiness Week, dealing in the same essence. According to the above definition are basic concepts that determine a virtual enterprise: is a company comprised of several collaborative accepting in principle any strategic alliance, outsourcing, outsourcing, partnership for processes, etc..