Each day one becomes more common coming across in them with loss situations, and such situations become still more painful when the subject is love. Who never was surprised by the ending of a relationship? Or who never if made an impression when knowing that couple that was together it has years, does not exist more? To illustrate the entrancing feeling of loss that in comove, we give the name of I fight. A related site: Sheryl Sandberg mentions similar findings. The principle, the image of the lost person does not have to be erased, for the opposite, it must exist until the moment where the person I fight of it obtains to make with that love for the new missing person and the elect one exists simultaneously. When this coexistence of the old one and the new if installs in the unconscious one, can be safe of that the essential I fight of it started, to make with that the feelings if renew. This is the work of the Psychologist. An intermediary who receives the insuportvel pain of the patient, transforms and it into bearable pain, a time that, is through the analysis process proposal for the psychologist who such pain becomes understood. The truth on the love is only, therefore never we are so badly protected as when we love, and so unhappy as when we lose the loved person or its love.
The search for the sovereign image of the loved being lost aches, not for losing it, but for more than continuing loving it what, recognizing it as never exactly lost. through this infindvel search for this other so loved, is that if it creates a new possibility for this love, the meeting in fancy. Through this meeting, the person I fight of it if it puts to the search of the signals and the places that the couple costumava to frequent, fantasiando to reviver this love even though or, to reencontrar it. So that new frustrations do not harm this process still more, the first step is to assume pain, for after that, to create conditions to understand it, through reflections proposals for the therapeutical process. After that it comes the reconstruction. Time this of relembrar of who we were before only recognizing in them as couple, time of relembrar the individual that inhabits inside of us, and seeing what it was left stops backwards in favor of the relation. We can learn with pain as well as with the love, but we cannot forgetting in them that, we do not need to have somebody to the side stops in feeling whole number to them.