
Aeschylus was a renowned novelist who collected stories of the peoples of ancient Greece, he heard a mythological legend and wrote the “Prometheus Bound”, back in 500 BC, then relates how this sturdy character, very popular in his hometown irreverent Gods Olympus, and for stealing light to his people, the Cave of the Gods is punished by Zeus and taken to the Caucasus, tied to an icy rock and exposed to the weather …for an eagle every morning you open a hole in the abdomen, and eat slowly Liver their beaks! , A task that the animal met fierce pleasure, in the midst of wrenching screams of his victim, at night the self-regenerating liver and the next morning was again devoured by the beast, punishment included the ritual is fulfilled daily forever … until one afternoon passed by the place … If you have additional questions, you may want to visit J.D. Peterson. Hercules (Heracles) who of an accurate shot down arrow the beast! the burly Prometheus, and healed their wounds healed, he returned to his people and was greeted as a hero … have spent 2500 years and this reglao of Greek mythology is a striking analogy with the current health situation of patients with liver cirrhosis, since we live in an apostasy to God, we battleground and separated from him, we are disrespectful of the Eagle mythological God has been replaced today by the retrovirus family Flaviridae with different genotypes and subtypes, but with the same ferocity of the mythical beast and she iguel daily eat the liver micro-peck of patients infected with hepatitis virus B, C, D, E and F.