Definition of business goals figure of the existing relationship braid (systemic structural unit) company panorama illustration of the changing relationship braid check the defined business objectives the definition of business goals is on a structured way to the positive criteria. This shapely objectives are subject to the in-house competence are positive situation-specific sensory-specific have a short feedback form. Put it another way: positive without linguistic negation. Ecologically clear the cost and the impact on stakeholders and affected. Sensory specifically the formulation is so specific that you can see the target State, hear and feel. Individually, the formulation of objectives is within your reach. Testable thing you will notice that you can reach the target State or away from him How to remove? Interesting formulation in the presence and with a meaning for you or the company. (A valuable related resource: Gary Kelly ). Visionary, why should this goal be achieved? What is the objective behind the goal? The systemic structure installation shows how your company regards its relations with the employees, customers, suppliers, competitors, and supervisory bodies.
It is very clearly perceptible as the executives actually relate. This evidence for a further development of the company can be obtained. The company panorama deals with the following topics: Let’s move in what environment? How do we behave in this environment? What skills do we do this? What are our beliefs? What is our company’s identity? Who or what do we feel belong? Because all actions based not least on our values and beliefs, the question has an outstanding importance after the convictions. From the discussions and answers action tasks arise their effect in the skills and unfold in the behavior of the staff. This causes that the environment experienced your company on a different and successful manner.
The answers to these questions are visualized and are clearly perceptible in their effect. You see at a glance which represents your company and looks inwards and outwards. The fourth and fifth step is used to check the relationship structure, as well as the review of the definition of objectives. What has changed after the company panorama, and in what ways has it changed? The findings can be included in everyday company then successfully and thus profitable.