Microsoft Secrets

My friend, journalist Roney Lobato, a reflection initiated an article at one definitive moment exciting us it. Ripple insists that this is the case. I change he would return it that, for happiness, the employee of the box would have given made a mistake to it, if you had perceived the error? Or he would make of account that he had not seen? He would deliver to the owner a possible money luggage, found in the street, if you knew of who it you were? They are questions for many difficult people to be answered nowadays. This, because the celebrity ' ' jeitinho brasileiro' ' , ally to the degradation of the ethical principles has said high more in the daily one of our people. For the writing of the author, this behavior would be something cultural in Brazil, as much is that in another stretch of the same article it cites examples of people who if had become notice for the fact to return to money luggages or good of considerable value to its respective owners. It would have to be rule, but it is exception. The values are confused and we do not have more certainty of what he is correct and of what is not, of what is ethical and of what is antiethical and thus for ahead. In the corporative environment we see and we hear time for that professional determined one was dismissed, therefore was suspicious of espionage or traffic of information.

It says the legend that Bill Gates worked in Apple, stole ideas and secrets for after that establishing Microsoft. Certain time Steve Jobs on this said: ' ' As I feel myself with Gates being rich with the ideas that we had well, the goal is not to be the man richest of cemitrio' '. Another one case ' ' famoso' ' it is of the Coca-Cola that had access the secrets of strategies of sales and marketing of the Pepsi rival.