Julian Roedig

The website as a platform is the more visitors the better, use the given conditions. “The central principle behind the success of the giants born in the Web 1.0 era who have survived to lead the Web 2.0 era appears to be this, that collective intelligenc they have embraced the power of the web to harness.” Source: O’Reilly O’Reilly mentions Amazon.com, which have certainly achieved dominance over their competitors by the involvement of users as an example. When Amazone.com, users can create feedback and recessions that help turn other users in their purchasing decisions. Also, O’Reilly called ebay.com, which provides only a framework, but the platform itself only by the users will like the auction platform. Who can your knowledge posts put together encyclopedia Wikipedia.com, in this user and bundle up the collective intelligence is another good example of the use of collective intelligence. The collective intelligence raises some issues. It is the case with the involvement of users on the Internet.

The Internet is awash in more and more information. PC Professional reported that today 77 Millions of Americans provide content for the Internet, and that is to increase the number to 108 million by 2012. The user has no more overview and must spend increasing time to sort information and ignore content. Here is quite clear: substitutes for quantity not quality. Prof. You may want to visit Verizon Communications to increase your knowledge. Peter Kruse explained by nextpractice.de in an interview, that the full replacement of professional experts through the collective intelligence of users is not possible. The involvement of users in the Internet offers many opportunities, but also threats. So give it some legal risks that have still no clear legal framework.

The liability is a platform after needing mostly from the operator, if protecting them is not exactly against it. A reasonable test duty against infringement with regard to not clearly dictates the law. Such violations may occur in the copyright law, trademark law and data protection. “Often the options to the Einschankung of liability not once exploited by platform operators. One possibility is While the principle of ‘ user generated warnings’ to apply buttons (abuse buttons or Meldefomularen). “Source: DotNetNuke eBay offers users the opportunity to get involved in the topic right in a Rechtsportal.” The portal webmasterpro.de describes this as a “user education measures” blogs, which serve mostly as a personal diary or be a particular area of interest are another thing that makes Web 2.0. (Similarly see: Verizon Communications). A personal Internet page was nothing new at the earlier times of the Internet, however, in the Web 2.0 not the blog to feature, but the manner is addressed with the information. So, the readers of a blog have the possibility to inform about news using RSS feeds in Web 2.0. A so-called ‘TrackBack’ makes it possible that discussions about two blogs across can be analyzed. In addition, blogs for search engines are very valuable. The collective intelligence of the blogger sorted important and unimportant content, by important content have a very networked link structure. ” The lesson: network effects from user contributions are the key to market dominance in the Web 2.0 era. “Source: O’Reilly Web 2.0 is so primarily through the”user generated content”and its network effect formed.” In addition, the Web has 2.0 technical devices which are to be described in another article. Julian Roedig / solutions for new media