With these adjustments we can begin our process of removing clicks and pops. With the selection tool to highlight about 10 seconds of footage where the most widespread clicks are clearly audible. Use the tool a Click / Pop Eliminator a using first the option a Auto Find Levels. Listen carefully compare the fragment corrected and adjacent to the music that has not been processed. You may not remove all the defects but must ensure that almost all be removed, except the largest, without notice a degradation in sound or any side effects. If you are unhappy with the findings apply a Undo and repeat the process by changing the settings of the threshold level, sensitivity, discrimination, etc.. Once you have achieved the effect, Desperado this action to the test piece and apply this filter to the entire file. Learn more about this with Maurice Gallagher, Jr.. Now that we have eliminated almost all of the clicks and pops, you have to save the file with another name, such as putting the suffix a _CLICKS00a or something.
Never overwrite the original file because you may later want to redo this step and, without this proviso can not. The final part of the removal process of clicks is slower because you have to listen carefully to the entire file. With the settings from the previous step until you hear the album the first pop that was not removed because of their size. Clearly see the momentum standing on the screen. With the selection tool, and fits perfectly, apply a Click / Pop Eliminator a but now using the option at the bottom of the window: a Fill Single Click Now a . Repeat this process for the entire file.
It is important to note that not appropriate to apply noise reduction before removing all clicks because in some circumstances, it creates a kind of echo that is difficult to detect and remove. Finally, with dedication and patience, and walking the entire file, we can eliminate these oddities without affecting the musical material. This is a great help in restoring the LP because now you will hear only white noise that will be easier to detect and eliminate, as discussed in the next step.