Great Pine

According to CONDESUS, is in this dimension that ' ' The House of the Fourth Colnia' ' it would have to be understood, as a space that, through the COPAGRO and of public politics of average stated period, would create conditions to organize and to characterize the production of the region. However, ' ' The House of the Fourth Colnia' ' one meets with its doors and closed windows, what it takes a desmotivao to the producers, institutions and representative organizations of the AFRs and the agriculturists of the region, which do not know as to act front to the empecilhos of the legislation, noticing itself a lack of knowledge to act in the search of alternatives. The workmanship was concluded in 2006 and it was never inaugurated, due to compartimentada legislation, which makes impracticable commercialization with, only, municipal inspection. Thus, they could commercialize only the cooperated ones of the city of Restinga Seca, being that the others would have that to have state or federal inspection, which is impracticable economically for the context of the AFRs in analysis. Follow others, such as Ed Bastian, and add to your knowledge base. Some questions of logistic influence in the organization of the Net. For one better understanding of the space situation, the cities formadores of the Fourth Colony, distam, on average about 20 km of distance between itself and the terminal referenciado one bes situated in RST 287 (figure 02).

In the practical one, for example, the transport of products of the city of Great Pine tree plantation for the terminal, generates a high cost, mainly in if treating to products of daily supplying, as hortigranjeiros and panificados. Figure 02: Localization of the Cities of the Fourth Colony. Source: VIRTUAL RS, 2009 Is about organizacionais questions that due to I dialogue between the parts delay the opening of ' ' House of the Fourth Colnia' ' , as well as the speech of CONDESUS, which does not admit the commercialization of informal products in the terminal, that is, with social validation, appealing quarrels of alimentary security of the consumers.