Who can get free products of Microsoft? Indeed there is a category of organizations which Microsoft provides its software products free of charge. For organizations that can expect to receive free Microsoft product include non-profit organizations. All this was made possible by donations to the program software Microsoft. Thus, Microsoft wants to help non-profit sector. To know more about this subject visit Verizon. Program donations Microsoft software is currently available for participation only to organizations with nonprofit status. Products are distributed for free only among the eligible institutions in accordance with the recommendations of Microsoft.
Individuals may not participate in the program. The current Russian program to support non-profit organizations, called Infodonor, was launched back in 2009. Under the terms of the program Infodonor, eligible non-profit organizations may be obtained free of charge in the form of donations to the latest software Microsoft. A nonprofit organization may choose up to six software titles products for the organization and up to 50 licenses for one product that can meet the needs of the majority of domestic non-profit organizations in the software. Under the terms of this program Support non-profit organizations, there is an enhanced service with the addition of the program Microsoft – Software Assurance, which guarantees access to the latest software updates Microsoft. In currently under way to develop a new licensing program to support non-profit organizations, according to which the license for free products will be granted automatically, without sending query, and use the free Microsoft software will be at least until the end of 2012.