Energy Efficiency

Symposium ‘ Congress for decentralised energy and energy efficiency – focus hospitals and nursing homes ‘ in the DENEX in Wiesbaden to hospitals and nursing homes is economical to run, more and more responsible views focus on supplying energy in their facilities. The financial burden of high energy prices can be felt not only in large houses. In addition, that the institutions want to present a modern house their patients, in order to compete on the market. Buildings and the task of keeping the technical infrastructure up-to-date are associated. Which focuses on this issue “3rd Congress of decentralised energy and energy efficiency – focus hospitals and nursing homes” on the 17.11.2011 during the DENEX in the Rhein-Main-Hallen Wiesbaden. Medical facilities are very heterogeneous regarding the clinical disciplines, the buildings and their equipment.

At the same time a great results for the hospitals and nursing homes Range of approaches, to reduce their energy consumption investiv or low investiv. At the “3rd Congress of decentralised energy and energy efficiency – focus hospitals and nursing homes” on November 17, 2011 during the DENEX in Wiesbaden, a number of best practice will be presented examples in German hospitals and nursing facilities. Various regional and nationwide projects show success carried out measures and approaches. You point out at the same time on obstacles and difficulties in the planning, financing and implementation. “For example, the lecture on the seal presented practical results hospital energy saving”. In the last ten years, over 30 hospitals have kept the high climate protection requirements of the Association, the Association for environment and nature conservation, Germany e.V., and have been awarded the Federal seal of approval. The operators are missing their own financial resources and/or expertise to make the necessary energy savings, it is purposeful, with experts special expertise for the project to hire. Various models of the “Energiesparpartnerschaft” can be found in numerous energy service companies.

Two successful approaches will be presented at the DENEX. The staff at the facilities can save energy with few financial means. However, the operator must approve to temporal and human resources for its employees. Here can be checked and demand set by individual users for example, for the cold or heat supply. Examples of the usage of modern refrigeration and heating technology are presented in the lecture block “Heat and cold” with presentations on the use of chillers, heat pumps and cogeneration in clinics. Also the adaptation of tenders for energy-efficient and ecological criteria or information campaigns for the users assume that time and resources available are employees, to implement these measures. What are the criteria of sustainable Procurement of construction materials are based, are described in the “Sustainability of construction materials” lecture block. The examples show how forward-thinking institutions follow economic and ecological characteristics. The success is complemented by a structured energy management through the houses demand control their units, anticipating failures, preventing resource leaks and avoid unnecessary expenditure. With these tools, hospitals and nursing homes to counteract rising energy costs and compete in the health care industry. The DENEX, trade fair and Congress for decentralized energy systems, intelligent energy distribution and efficient use of energy, will on November 17th and 18th 2011 held under the auspices of Philipp Rosler, Federal Minister of Economics and technology, and Lucia Puttrich, Hessian Minister for environment, energy, agriculture and consumer protection in Wiesbaden. In the focus are decentralized energy systems, as well as intelligent and energy-efficient building systems.