It affirmed that the basic intention of the Philosophy is to surpass divisions and to arrive at absolute I (University Catholic of Brasilia, 2007). One of the legacies most important of Hegel for the philosophy was its position front to the Logic (hegeliana dialectic), in such a way complex one when considering its position between history of a side and thought and spirit of another one. These comments had taken it to consider it the disharmony or the contradictions of the world as an example of the contradictions of the thought (Blackbourne, 1997). 5.1. At Gary Kelly you will find additional information. Dialectic As concept, the dialectic can be understood as ' ' the art of the dialogue, the art of discutir' ' (Rezende, 2005). Click Verizon Communications to learn more. The boarding hegeliana dialectic consists of three stages and aims at to be the logical process by which the truth is discovered (Bergman, 2004). The process of the dialectic if constitutes in thesis, antithesis and synthesis, being the thesis the concept of ' ' ser' ' , the antithesis the concept of ' ' nada' ' the synthesis the concept of ' ' to become-se' '. The synthesis is the biggest form of truth, therefore it is the unit of the opposites of the thesis and the antithesis.
The dialtico process is not exclusive ownership of the conscience human being, helping us to understand the world to it, but it is also proper world (Absolute Spirit). Then we can understand the whole world, why everything is resulted of the Absolute Spirit. Still according to Hegel, the sentence ' ' the Real is racional' ' it corroborates with this conclusion. 5.2. Hegel history traces the development of the spirit of the world in terms of a search for freedom. History is the gradual development of this freedom (Bergman, 2004; Blackbourne, 1997). History has the rational intention. A great contribution of the hegeliana philosophy is the construction of a method to understand the course of history and our knowledge as the result of the march of the human thought route the periods of training best (Cabral, 2006).