
Everything of form that if has the direct and indirect participation of the people, except subjects that can compromise the nationality, the territorial integrity, the economy, the external sovereignty and interests or of internal security. If even in the countries where it can be bragged on long practical the democracy thus is displayed the critical ones and attacks, are because thing goes badly. In the young States, the democracy seems premature; in the old ones, she seems exceeded. In the last century the public opinion saw in it the formula of the future; they judge it now inadequate, inadaptada to the current system of its proper workmanship. The people sees and felt the effect maleficent of the liberal democracy, through the scandals and the great corruption that between its defenders and adepts, always acting and governing for segments or groups and never for the collective. The governing fall in the narrow dependence of the Chambers and the succession of crises ministerial, next ones to the others, allied to the long duration of some, indicates enough that nor everything goes well in the relations being able between them.

The executive seems impotent to more still conceive one politics in long stated period and for p it in practical. The inconveniences of this situation would be lesser if the executive alone had restricted attributions, or still she found a period of calm, what certainly it will not have, due to greed already installed being able in them. for its disaster, the liberal democracy is identified as the liberal capitalism. This confusion between capitalism and the politics always was harmful, but the elites turn in it the form continuity the power. Thus being, we can locate a new model of State, invested of responsibilities and new attributions, but, surrounded for the social forces, modifying in deep way the governabilidade.