Capital House

It thinks sufficiently. For the work and it seats in sanitary basin. Of crossed arms feint the ceiling. It continues thinking. It decides! It runs until the door of the room, locks the lock and it is lain down in the bed. Reflexiva, still low close clothes e, in an assayed ability, turn the condom for avesso introducing it in the vagina with the indicating finger. Thus she remains quiet per some minutes.

It waited overwhelmingly for this coincidence: to be in fertile period and to find a condom of the senator. Feeling itself carried through, for its service in the house and it goes even so. It communicates the boyfriend who is passing badly after uninterruptedly working for all the night and dawn. March. The year really starts in the Capital. For being one year electoral, the strategies for the lawsuit start to be planned by the senator, its team and the guests.

Names of politicians are launched and discarded at every moment. Dulce is surprise in knowing that the first pre-electoral agreements are born in environments as this. The quarrels always last for a long time. April is not different. The debates are so intense that the dawns if pass more quickly. The hours are insufficient for the agreements and the participants continuously leave the agenda of quarrels for the next one sixth. They always remember other names that must be convoked for the following quarrels. At this moment the amount of frequentadores of the house is well bigger. But, although the biggest number of men in the house, the contracted girls to liven up the meeting form grupinhos moved away from the quarrels. It is that in this period they less are requested. The men of politics and businesses are busier. May, the ameno climate of the Capital seems to differ from the climate of the house of the senator. The quarrels seem more heated. Even though the use of the rooms of the mansion is reduced. The orgia scenes already are not so common. Been silent it discloses for Dulce that in this period it saves contracting little girls. Dulce, when for one instant to serve, it contemplates the women in its pretty dresses, jumps, hair and jewels. I am not bothered with these girls of program.

The cook of the house comments, perceiving that It observes them to Dulce. If it does not worry, my good. It makes its work and it does not bind for them. Dulce continues contemplativa until receiving another tray and the indication to come back to the hall. Before leaving the kitchen it hears the conclusion of the colleague: I find that it is therefore that we use uniforms. Not to be confused with them. In contrast of the cook, Dulce does not disdain those women, and yes the envy. It knows differently that it could be one of them, of the too much women who work there in the kitchen and in the labor detail, that never will be confused with one of those girls and they will be never assediadas by one of those men. It has more than a uniform separating the employees of the house and the esculturais women contracted by Been silent and coveted for the friends of the senator. The sensation to be of the missed side, working in a less income-producing function in the house, leaves irritated Dulce with its boyfriend. It was not the fact to namorarem, it would be contracted for the other function.