It is however recommended to keep alive the spirit of liberty which advocates free software that the users rights be respected. FOSS today there are currently still many places in the world where people understand by operating system one of the distributions of microsoft operating systems. There are also places where it has heard of the subject, others where the use of free software has been regarded as something ethical, moral and extremely necessary for humanity as it is the case of Ecuador that not only have been linked with the movement free software but which also has establecido by Decree #1014 of 10 April 2008 as a public policy for the entities of the central public administration the use of free software. Venezuela, Brazil, autonomous communities in Spain and Extremadura also participating very actively in the free software movement both with the use the tools in educational environments of the community as to development and improvement of software tools free for public and private use. Currently there is not any user who has navigated by internet without having had to do with free software to some extent since it is both the rise of the use of free software at the enterprise level that the vast majority of web pages are programmed with the language php which is released under the GNU GPL license language or run on an apache web server that has become the option indicated to all those who are looking for an agile and dynamic, server always accessible and with very short periods of reboot, also a GNU GPL tool. Linux/GNU is in part due to its portability the favorite system to install in routers, cell phones, and computers with hardware opsoletos on which it is no longer possible to run modern software. Linux, modular architecture makes the system to adapt to the hardware of the machine by disabling unnecessary services to booting the system thus allowing a process optimization and maximum performance. The future of free software in Brazil there were presidential elections and used free software in the system than contaba votes in order to allow inspectors from all political parties to inspect the code of the software to rule out any fraudulent practice. I wonder how many electoral fraud have occurred because of manipulation of code in all those countries that use a proprietary system which only who programmed it can see it and/or modify it.It is urgent that the use of free software extends so many have more capitalina for children and adults in many underdeveloped countries that cannot afford the purchase of costly licenses for software of which never construed its operation because the code is not revealed them. Andres Sanchez Micro SMEs Hispanic original author and source of the article.