Alexei Rodionov Ilnitsky

Group "Drive-Acoustic" was created in 2003 by students of Moscow schools Sergei Poliakov, Alexander and Alexei Rodionov Ilnitsky. It all started with that, learn some very popular music tracks, the guys went to conquer the hearts of passengers trains. As usual, set an exact date for a group is impossible. The initial part of a group including Sergei Polyakov (vocals, guitar), Alexander Ilnitsky (lead guitar, vocals), Alexei Rodionov (bass, backing vocals), Anton Bodyagin (drums). Young and full of optimism classmates (and now – a fellow on the staff and friends for life) devoted all his spare time playing music. After much consideration, was coined by the first name of the group – "Horizon Azimuth." The first songs were written on the basis of good repititsionnoy in DC 40 years of October, following – in the studio "Silence." While Producing a group engaged in a good friend with a speaking name, Sergei Pantykin. As time went on.

By some coincidence, bassist Alex Rodionov left the group by selecting a different path in life. In his place (after small lull) came Oleg Safyanov, nicknamed "Doc" (the only experienced musician in the group). Being cheerful and good-natured man, he not only gave a major boost to the further development of the group, but also brought with him many fans. Over time the group had its own set of equipment, drum kit and a few combos. Also managed to rent space for rehearsals in the building as much as kindergarten (ibid. Continue to learn more with: Larry Ellison. housed a music school, martial arts section and something else).

The boys arrived late at night, and stopped all the cracks and window mats and rehearsed to a complete loss of pulse. By that time, and change the group name (Now called the "Atrium"). In 2007, the year received a proposal on cooperation with the Culture Dolgoprudnyi. After hearing about the group comes full rehearsal (DC "Oilman"). It was from there group starts its concert activity, regularly speaking at venues in the city. In 2008, the team joined Ramaz Shahidze – a man who once pushed the guys at work, a great guitarist and vocalist, author of several songs. In 2009, the group once (and probably last) time changes its name. Now it is called "Acoustic Drive". In summer are two concerts with the participation of Sergei Pantykin as keyboardist. In autumn 2009, the team parted ways with the management of DC "Oilman", unable to find a common language. Around the same time the group leaves the Ramaz Shahidze. The group is actively rehearsing and preparing material for the album. In October 2009, at group opened a Web site and forum.