Currently the chemical control and the biological control are tactical possible for the reduction of the population of insects. However, the population survey is the first step to arrive at the integrated handling of plagues, being observed itself the population peaks and the relations with abiticos factors (Barbosa et al. 2001, Menezes Jr & Pazini 2001). The development of programs of integrated handling of plagues (MIP) greatly depends on basic studies of population dynamics and determination of the relative importance of the forces that regulate the growth population of the fitfagos insects. Of this form, one becomes necessary that research is developed to know which is the factors and as they intervene with the intensity of attack of the plagues to the culture. Amongst the enemy artrpodos natural gifts in the goiabeira are distinguished joaninhas of the Coccinelidae family that are important predators for presenting a great alimentary diversity.
The majority of the pertaining species to this family is entomfagas, feeding itself of species of hempteros, mites and larvae of coleopters desfolhadores (Clausen, 1972). According to Olkowsky et al. (1990), the coccineldeos between are known predators of insects, and occur in the majority of the regions of the world, controlling plagues of innumerable cultures. Thus, the improvement of the knowledge of agroecossistema of the goiabeira, as a complex ecological unit, will make possible the perfectioning of programs of integrated handling of plagues (MIP) that they are important regionally. The main objective of this work was to characterize the population dynamics of Scymnus spp in a half-organic experimental orchard of goiaba (Psidium guajava L.) in the region of Pindorama-SP and to correlate it with climatic factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS the present work is part of a project of research and extension developed with the co-participation and co-authorship of the Eng. Agr.
Ricardo. the Calore. The experiment was installed in an experimental orchard of the half-organic type in the region of Pindorama-SP, in experimental field of the Agency Native of So Paulo of Technology of the Agronegcios (APT), composition for a collection of 92 genotypes of goiabeira with 14 years of age in the espaamento standard, with transport uniform and plantation in level.