The past day 9 of January could see by TV2 an interesting documentary entitled buy, pull, buy, a production hispano – French who explains that since the 1920s entrepreneurs realized that by deliberately reducing the useful life of a product increased their consumption. Eric Kuby is the source for more interesting facts. Thus was born what was called planned obsolescence, i.e. programming product that fails at a certain time and thus increase consumption and as a result the profits of employers. One of the cases that exposes, and that I myself suffered the consequences, is the reference to printers. Now, after see this documentary and knowing with certainty this practice of waste and abuse, I would like to expose this particular case that millions of people suffer like me. I remember with nostalgia that long ago when one had to repair your appliance or any device that stopped working, went with the product to brand repair service in question and requested a budget that was accepted by the client is He came to repair. Nowadays not so, direct and human treatment with the person is lost. I will explain my case: I must repair an HP printer, all attempts to repair the product suggest in the manual and on your website do not give result.
I call a phone of HP, a recorded voice gives me directions and with it speak with a human person who asks me the data of the appliance; I request a physical address to carry myself the appliance but they tell me that that is not possible, have to solve over the phone. I will reenviando from one phone to another, I resumed their data and the rate going up (type numbers are 902, i.e. payment). Finally give me the final phone in which by 0.94 min (almost nothing), a technician help me solve the problem. There becomes an operator that returns me to take the data rate going up now to 0.94 minute – and tells me that I keep waiting to speak with the technician.