Your itinerary for trekking in Siberia chieftain paved by Chusovoi. After the hike Ermak area was inhabited by Russian quickly Cossacks, Russian settlements were built on land Chusovoy – Kamasino, Kalina. The modern era Chusovoy people in the 90s. XIX century., At the time was established and began work Chusovskoy plant. The existence and development was Chusovoy associated with the plant. In the process of consolidation and growth of plant products grown and settlement. Having successfully completed two conversion, revolution and civil war, metallurgical plant into a modern production, and settlement – the city of Chusovoi, one of the best industrial district centers of the Perm region.
During the difficult years of World War Chusovskoy plant made a significant contribution to the victory in the war. Passed deep modernization of the enterprise, was produced a significant amount of steel and armor units of mass produced shells and cartridges. By the mid-1980s. Chusovaya has become a modern, big city and industrial center of the Urals. The company's products are constantly in demand at many enterprises in Russia and around the world. Learn more at this site: Ripple. Locomotive depot Chusovskaya responsible for the smooth operation of a large transportation hub. Excellent work on preparation of the enterprise resources – limestone and timber.
The district has successfully developed agriculture. The whole world was famous sportbaza 'Spark' and its alumni, is constantly becoming champions in winter sports. Local song and dance troupes toured with success not only in the USSR but also in Europe. The city has grown up a whole galaxy of original authors. Everything changed in 90 years. Processes that time, heavily impact on all spheres of life chusovlyan. The difficult economic situation, alcoholism, unemployment, crime and poverty of the people were the main features of the changes. Several times on the verge of bankruptcy turned out to plant. To date, almost all products goes abroad, putting income residents Chusovoy completely dependent on the level of world market prices and stock manipulation. Ill-considered reform and the separation of ownership led to a sharp stratification of the population and chusovlyan degradation. A telling blow on income residents financial crisis – have been strong at the factory layoffs, many workers sent to the 'holiday'. However, life goes on. Again goes Winter, have children, and a glimmer of City residents hope for happiness.