
In the first semester of 2009, basic period of training i in the Christian home was become fullfilled faith to be successful, for 3 academics of 4 period of the course of psychology of the university center UNIRG, Gurupi-TO. This related period of training had as starting point the comment of the children of the day-care center who liveed or that there they met, raising the problematic ones of the institution. After detected such difficulties, it was placed in practical the plan of action considered for the trainees, with the objective to brighten up such boarded difficulties. Word-key: Basic period of training, Problematic, To brighten up. 1. INTRODUCTION University Center UNIRG has for objective to establish and prescribed the admission of pupils of the psychology course, through concession of obligator curricular periods of training and not obligator extracurricular periods of training for the CONVENIADA, in the terms of Law n 11.788. The professionalizing exercise is understood for period of training, during which the pupil bases and consolidates theoretical knowledge acquired during its course.

In the curricular periods of training (obligator) Basic Period of training I has the duration of six months, initiating itself in the start of the corresponding period of learning semester with the horria load of activities of field of in the mnino 30horas. This work has as purpose to tell to the practical comments and the decurrent ones of Basic Period of training I? Comment of the daily one in Psychology, carried through in the Day-care center Divine, situated Sister in the city of Gurupi-To, being its objective to describe the biopsicossociais factors that intervene with the human behavior. In Basic Period of training I, through the comments in field, it was possible to raise problematic, that they go since the precariousness in the hygiene until biopsicossociais behaviors (egocentrismo and aggression). In elapsing of the work, we will approach with bigger precision what it was observed associated to the theory, together with the possible solutions proposals for the trainees, in order to learn on behavior and since already, as to take care of the necessities of a place, whose it requires therapeutical aid.