The real property may only be temporarily occupied, to meet the needs of war, or to devote to it their products. The State will always be responsible for the expropriations that the Government itself or through its agents. ARTICLE 60. The State shall promote, in accordance with the law, access to property.
When the state disposes of its interest in an enterprise, will take measures to democratize the ownership of its shares and will offer to their employees, organizations and workers’ solidarity, special conditions for access to the property stock. The law will regulate the matter. ARTICLE 61. The State shall protect intellectual property through time and through the formalities prescribed by law. ARTICLE 62. The fate of donations during or testamentary, made under the law for social purposes, can not be changed or modified by the legislature, unless the purpose of the donation goes away. In this case, the law assigned the respective assets to a similar purpose.
The Government will oversee the management and investment of such donations. ARTICLE 63. The property for public use, natural parks, communal lands of ethnic groups, land stewardship, the archaeological heritage of the Nation and other property determined by law, are inalienable and indefeasible. ARTICLE 64. It is the duty of the State to promote the progressive access to property the land of agricultural workers, individually or associative, and education services, health, housing, social security, recreation, credit, communications, product marketing, technical assistance and business, with the aim of improving the income and quality of life of farmers.