The Men

However, if of the citation above if it cannot extract such conclusion or it asks, of the continuation of this we remove long ago absent legitimacy: ' ' Let us make (…) ' '. This term suggests me, the least the principle, the existence of another divine entity or already I do not know to it that it would assist onipotente in its productive activity of beings, in principle, inferiors in nature and condition. These are the men, done beings ' ' to our image and semelhana' (…) ' God created the man to its image; the image of God created it, created the man and mulher' ' '. Who is the entities that correspond to the term ' ' nossa' '? What it is for of brings of the word, for the moment, confused and so pparently unjustified, when the reading is literal and in account we take all fbula Biblical of the citation? If not to search to act for convenience, if in allowing the logic them as parameter of adequacy of the will and the act, will have of readily admitting the occurrence of an entity another situated one before the time and the space; to the side Mr. who can, for happiness, never to be your God. That genealogy this entity Beyond-God possesss stops with this proper one? Son or Son; Wife or Husband; perhaps loving; a friend, who knows? To all the ends, let us pass ahead. When I say: ' ' this is homem' ' , as to verify if it is? For the fisionomia or still: disposal of the elements of sensitivity; objective configuration or pure phenomenon and simply could more than not it what by means of its sexuality, or still, for the presence of the masculine sexual agency. The opposite of this, I will say woman; the union of both, androgynous; for its absence let us use the concept ' ' anjo' '.