The East

The master then in gave the lesson to them: When an eye so firmly settled in the final objective is remained, surplus only one eye to find the way. Of that day in ahead, I perceived that you can focar yourself in the objective, but keep the other intent one in the way that you it will go to take. But why nobody explains this? Therefore the world occidental person is very different in its conceptions in relation to the east. Here it is all focus, conquest, money, income, success, and all the tools that function must be of short term, seno its ' ' discpulos' ' they finish for giving up the experience. Ahead of everything this, only uses that one formulates special: One day of each time, keeps the raised head, looks at for the horizon, but if it does not withhold in it, the future, the objective this soon there, it trusts, it looks in the retrovisor and it sees the things that you left you stop backwards, are as lies, but also if it does not withhold in them, after all already it passed, this it goes to make to direct to it more good, only it looks at for front, in the holes whom the road possesss, you has the ability to skirt each one, creating one personal technique of as to prevent them, this is to learn with the proper errors, God in gave to these three periods to them, past, gift future, each one as a purpose, of one forms integral exists one necessity to accept all, and uses them in weighed way, learning with what it passed, making better choices in now, and visualizing a future better. Chen master said that the great secret is the balance and zen recited me a poem, Haikai call, it he said that this to assist would go me in the agreement of much thing and that I meditasse in this: The focus simply foca the life is a horizon the perception is the focus of the horizon