According to PIRONATTO (2008) the distraction, the difficulty to stop to give attention, desconcentrao, this inconvenience all occur with the hiperativa child not because it wants, but because she does not obtain to be different. Leaving of this estimated, we believe that it is possible yes to enable a child to decide daily activities with reasonable results, and also believe that of this exactly way is possible to alfabetizar the child well who arrives at the first years of the school already with TDA/H description. To put, this is only possible with a coherent education, that has taken in account the values of a child who perceives the world of a little different form. important to deal with the hiperativa child with the Maximum possible naturalness. A TDA/H description does not mean that a child cannot be alfabetizada, cannot learn, cannot carry through tasks with success, being also private of the compliments and of the incentive the one who all child has right when showing its progress to interact requires attention, concentration.
The educator can, with sufficiently persistence, to take the pupil with characteristics of conscientious TDA/H of the importance of the exercise of these abilities, and can instruct the child in the direction of: To learn to hear the others. To give attention. To look at for the person. Not to speak while the others will be speaking. To give attention on what if this speaking. To think on what if this speaking. Revezar says to it dialogues. Other basic communicative abilities exist that can be taught, as: To identify itself/to say the name/to present itself.
To ask the name with that this speaking. To say something on same itself. To invest in auto-they esteem. To observe the feelings and to nominate them. The desired behaviors must be emphasized. For this it is necessary that the educator, or the parents: They recognize the calm and adequate behaviors.