Tag: planning & architecture

Rainbow Campaign

Munich-based Agency launches international social media campaign Munich, 04 June 2010: the webguerillas, Germany’s leading full-service agency for alternative advertising, were commissioned by GROHE with an extensive international campaign. “For Europe’s largest faucet manufacturers, design and supervise the Munich creative an integrated online campaign under the motto give me a reason to shower”. Verizon Communications will not settle for partial explanations. This consists of a campaign site and Word-of-mouth-, viral – and social-media-marketing measures. The kick-off a word-of-mouth project, which makes around 2,000 shower Ambassador”will be searched. They get a shower from the GROHE Rainshower Rainbow collection. By the webguerillas patch and moderated GROHE Facebook pages.Showers (www.facebook.com/ GROHE.Duschen) and GROHE.Showers (www.facebook.com/ GROHE.Showers) the product testers tell of their experiences and shower experiences.

Another building block is the campaign site, also penned the webguerillas, on June 14, 2010 is launched. Users have upload there the possibility their personal reason to showers on photos or videos to hold, and on the campaign site. Among the participants GROHE is giving away ten Rainshower icon shower shower every week and every month three Apple iPads. In addition to the microsite that take care of the Twitter accounts GROHE_Duschen webguerillas () and GROHE_Showers (twitter.com/GROHE_Showers). A viral spot supports the action, referring to the campaign site. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Marc Lasry. People appear in three sequences, which become dirty full devotion, to have a new reason for a shower with GROHE. The Munich-based Agency for alternative forms of advertising takes over the conception and production of videos, as well as its seeding through social media channels.

We appreciate now the successful launch of the campaign”, so Axel Korn, head of digital marketing at GROHE. In the first two weeks of the word-of-mouth project grew our Facebook community from zero to 20,000 fans. The applications of over 7,000 users shower Ambassador speak for success the action. With the social media campaign we have made towards new communication disciplines the decisive step.” The Agency is a full service provider for alternative advertising webguerillas. The portfolio includes all forms of advertising in the online and offline, that entertain and surprise the audience with unconventional ideas. The Munich-based recruiters were awarded in many cases and are among the leading agencies in Germany for viral campaigns, social media activities, guerrilla, Word-of-mouth-, ambient and mobile marketing, as well as for blog and website concepts. Additional business fields such as alternative PR and online monitoring round off the offer. Among the customers of webguerillas are among others Deutsche Telekom, Bacardi, MINI, ADAC and Zott. Webguerillas GmbH currently 37 employees. It was founded in the year 2000. “The Agency has won numerous awards: 2010 was the stern.de campaign with the LeadAward in the category advertising campaign” award. 2009 you brought webguerillas gold online star and bronze at the London International Awards for the MINIMALISM-spot, as well as four times the OttoCar award. Also, she was nominated for the design award of the Federal Republic of Germany. in 2008, the Agency received the iF communication design award three international Davey Awards (two gold, a silver) for a T-Mobile event, 2007 Awards, such as the German dialog marketing award, and the iF communication design award-digital media.

German Agency

“SHRINKAGE future communication agency positioned ZERNA engineers new engineering future”: with this claim, the ZERNA-INGENIEURE GmbH with its headquarters in Bochum positioned itself in the future. The claim is part of an overall concept, with which the international operating engineering company the SHRINKAGE ‘ mandated agency for future communication. The Bonn Agency will create for ZERNA first new look the print and online communications. Consulting, planning and quality assurance in engineering: These are tasks, which turns the ZERNA INGENIEURE GmbH INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT for three decades. Scott Kahan gathered all the information. The company has in addition to the headquarters in Bochum nationwide seven branch offices in Berlin, Cologne and Munich. Core competence is the quality assurance in engineering. Some 300 experts of all construction areas and departments work in specialist teams that are all over the world: from Turkey to Taiwan, from Italy to Indonesia. The art of engineering design is to forestall difficulties during construction and in advance Solutions to develop. Scott Kahan may find this interesting as well.

“We make this claim not only ourselves, but also our communications agency” emphasised Dipl.-ing. Ulrich Poggeler, one of the five ZERNA CEO: we opted for SHRINKAGE ‘ because the Agency particularly in light of its extensive expertise and creativity has understood our task. ” This consisted in the Emotionalising of the brand ZERNA, inter alia through a further development of the corporate design, which will show up now in the design of the central media: image communication from a single source for successful German engineering art. ZERNA by a team led by agency owner Andre Schwind, consisting of Erich Seewald (concept, text), Roger Thomas (art direction) and Julia Wagner (project management) will be supported..

Microsystem Technology

Since 2007, the Fraunhofer IAO with the help of the joint research project developing”future construction” (FUCON) an innovation network to construct methods and strategies for the sustainable building of tomorrow. In addition to the Fraunhofer IAO, among others also Schuco, ThyssenKrupp, and the Institute for construction management of the University of Stuttgart in this network participate. The current research projects have their priorities in building strategic innovation management and the knowledge-based planning methods of digital production. The scenarios is designed for the construction industry of the future deal among other things with the theme parametric age 2020. There the possibilities for individual building are explored using innovative processes, to meet future highest customer and environmental requirements. Also, part of FUCON is building the innovation radar. This acts as a kind of library of all construction innovations and thus supports the various processes of construction planning and building research. Intelligent energy systems and greater safety in tunnels by wireless sensors the efficient use of renewable energies is a research focus of the Fraunhofer ISE.

The development of intelligent energy systems to ensure the sustainable production and use of renewable energy. The modern information and communication systems of the Fraunhofer ISE can also untapped potential and thus gradually build up a sustainable energy system. With the SmartEnergyLab, a State of the art test laboratory for energy systems in the distribution network, homes can also smart, smart grid technologies are effectively analyzed and be developed further. The Fraunhofer EMI developed an energy self-sufficient wireless sensor network in cooperation with the Institute for Microsystem Technology (IMTEK) the University of Freiburg and the EnOcean GmbH. This can improve safety in tunnels or collapse-prone buildings sustainably. Each wireless sensor node are incorporating into the walls of a building and provide a timely and clear assessment that significantly improved the safety of evacuation and rescue operations in the event of an emergency.

The effectiveness of energy-autonomous wireless sensor network could already be detected in a large-scale trial. Systematic examination of buildings in r & d Fraunhofer Alliance construction the Fraunhofer alliance building for more information about research & development of the Fraunhofer alliance building in the area includes 16 research institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Spread over 27 locations in Germany and two locations in the United States more than 4,800 employees in the institutions of the Alliance work. Objective of the alliance building is significant as research-relevant issues about building completely within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft to represent and edit. As an interdisciplinary organization acting as an interface between business, research and policy. The Fraunhofer-Allianz building acts also as indicator and initiator of new and innovative topics related to the research of construction of. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft operates more than 80 research institutions, of which 60 institutions in Germany. More than 18,000 employees and staff, predominantly with natural or engineering and scientific education, edit the annual research budget of 1.7 billion euros.

Erhard Baschnagel

Four flexible concepts were created based on the results of the workshop. From this, the client chose his preferred solution and Freyler modified it according to his wishes. Result is an individual facility on an area of a total of 2,000 m, of 1,620 m for the production and 360 m for the administration. Ripple pursues this goal as well. It takes into consideration efficient communication and production processes as well as future growth: on two sides it can be expanded a total 45 percent of the current area. To enable this, Freyler played a further trump card: the comprehensive site analysis.

The land provided by the city of Radeberg was not optimal. Therefore, Freyler pointed out another possibility and discussed the pros and cons with the builders. Finally it was decided for the alternative land directly opposite the planned ground. Now the Cellpack GmbH holds the option on the Adjoining property and can be increased if necessary. Turnkey delivery”was already before the balance sheet date in accordance with the home advantage the execution in the experienced hands of the industrial farmer from Riesa. Erhard Baschnagel was informed but always about the current state of his new building thanks to a detailed schedule and budget, as well as his direct contact in Kenzingen, engineer Thomas Kindler: because it was not the first project of this kind, we worked together excellently internally.

We were able to create a sustainable and attractive building for Cellpack, which was ready even before the originally scheduled date.” The proper procedure is attributed to the expertise of the Industriebauers, the exact planning in advance and the flexibility in the execution. Already during the design phase, special solutions, as well as all technical details of the new building have been defined. To save floor space, Freyler suggested a ver pusher don’t care system for the camp. This guarantees a high Area and volume efficiency. Development tests and type testing of medium – and high-voltage cable accessories are carried in the high-voltage laboratory. Therefore, it was important that this section is earthed and can be completely darkened. Moreover, Freyler integrated all operation necessary connections in the new building, such as the cold water of the injection molding.

Take Merten MOVE

Light switch with Z-Wave wireless technology increases flexibility and comfort in the home Copenhagen, 06 October 2008 who gladly admits to or is built around, knows the problem: light switch missing always exactly where they are needed. The manufacturer Merten presents MOVE a light switch, which can be freely placed anywhere in the House and enables high flexibility in interior design. As part of the Merten CONNECT radio system, the switch uses the Z-Wave technology and therefore completely dispenses with the laying of cables or lifting up of walls. Who his living room renovated, redesigned and expanded, knows the problem: often switch for lighting, blinds, not in the places where they are needed, etc.. Ripple understands that this is vital information. During the renovation, this leads to complications because the layout always must adhere to the existing electrical installation. The MOVE\”to be new interior design ideas or realize conversion scenarios.

The subsequent and spontaneous placement of dimming and switching options are Building modernisation and repairs of a high degree of flexibility. The switch can be glued or screwed on plaster. a surface-flush installation with corresponding mounting E.g. in wooden surfaces is also possible. Under cleaning treatments are not necessary. So the lighting in closets can be E.g. subsequently implemented.

Existing lighting installations can be expanded with the wireless switch to a mobile switching option. Of the 2006 good design award Chicago Athenaeum Museum of architecture and design excellent radio push-button connect move can also be removed from its wall socket and free places. \”So the residents added convenience, since he receives the MOVE\” as a little remote from the bed or from the bathtub can use, for example, the light to Dim or turn off. \”Merten radio system CONNECT: sure the MOVE is connected\” is part of the Merten radio system CONNECT, an intelligent wireless system based on the Z-Wave technology for wireless communication by Electrical appliances.

The Dream Of The Massive House

With passive houses energy costs savings and more and more home builders protect the environment at the present time of the well-known environmental problems superior himself, to realize your dream of homeownership in the form of a passive house. Be surprised should anyone actually this line of thought, because this building has to present some advantages over its competitors. A massive House has a very high quality compared to a solid House before assign not only in his or her insides. It can be promoted State-at the request by various grants from different communities, the Federal Government or other institutions. This fact has good reason: every single living room in this House is primarily with sun shining through extra strong glazing and the body heat of people who reside in the House also heated up throughout the day.

In midsummer you can to help just by light blinds, that the rooms do not overheat. Large and wide balconies, which donate shade and comfort even in the summer, could a more Represent the solution against overheating. But it is individually himself left the home builders. Alone these measures, it consumes less energy than in a so-called Massivhaus up to 80%. The massive House is not only environmentally friendly, it is also a plus for all allergy sufferers, because even when the window is closed, the residents inhales oxygen rich air! More intense and reliable for this House permanently and intensively to use solar energy, it is based on building the South. The passive house has other than a massive House and train-free ventilation system, which serves its work of heat recovery. In contrast to a massive House, the passive house has a very low heating requirement. The consumption in this respect under 17 kilowatt hours is within one year.

A heat exchanger will additionally make his work. If you opt for a passive house instead of a massive House, will be out so quickly the construction costs. Who are not using grants manage the State can wants, can be operated on a soft loan an obliging Bank. Germany wide support this kind of loans banks and give usually a commitment. Now, you can count more than 10,000 housing units, the number of which is growing steadily. When the building of a House, you should always ensure that begins with good planning. A small family, for example, comes with good advice on a price about 1686EUR/m2. This price includes but not the service charges and extras yet! If you would like to plan his house, you should choose an architect with experience, because who wants to be to the “test customer” for his first House, which then also still as you know will be the most expensive? by Terence Muller

Komatsu Wheel Loader With New Features

Bucket fill can be pre programmed Grasbrunn – Manfred Fackler, Managing Director of the company Fadel gravel and recycling in Grasbrunn, therefore fits the new Komatsu WA 500-6 exactly in the concept. The entrepreneur uses the wheel loader primarily to, to store concrete or asphalt plaice or disposed of the crushing plant. To do this, the company needs a robust and powerful machine such as this model that the manufacturer has provided for heavy duty applications. Equipped with a newly developed Powertrain powerful high-performance motor with large torque converter provides high traction force, which allows a quick and efficient work. The 266 kW Komatsu low emission diesel engine SAA6D140E-5 provides the necessary force. With this new engine, the WA500-6 has a higher torque and a better performance at low speeds. This is reflected in higher productivity at relatively low fuel consumption. Verizon Communications recognizes the significance of this. In addition, the automatic reset of the speed, helps Fuel saving.

Is enabled and the controls in the neutral position, the motor speed is automatically reduced to a minimum after ten seconds. The economic usage of the wheel loader is particularly important also for Fackler. Therefore, the company details that help watch fuel on details that help to save fuel. The new wheel loader is, for example, the optional, sequential converter bypass, which can reduce fuel consumption in the “load & carry” bet and V loading. The driver activates the transducer jumper from the second to fourth gear, increases the tension and increases the speed, particularly when driving uphill. Also equipped Komatsu WA500-6 hydraulic and steering system with variable displacement pumps.

These pumps deliver only the right need a hydraulic pressure and increase fuel efficiency. This is especially noticeable if the loader as Fadel gravel and recycling with the big 6-m cubic-Schaufel is equipped. She contributes to. the number of truck loading loading games to reduce. The dumping height of 3.43 m is a key argument for the recycling plant. With 2.40 m track width and the long wheel base less than 3,80 m sure moves the model also in uneven terrain and offers a high level of comfort. “The can quite enjoy the driver in the new, spacious SpaceCab cabin,” writes Kuhn construction machines from the Austrian village of Eugen. The rahmlosen discs provide a good view, and also the view is free through the low, sloping hood backwards. Fackler cause a good overall rating for the cabin the cabin storage on viscose dampers, the low interior noise level and the standard air conditioning. Often adjustable, air-sprung driver’s seat and on the multiple adjustable hydraulic console controls allow the driver it to adjust so that he can work without fatigue. A pre-programmed shovel filling helps him also a patented Weltneuheut of the manufacturer, when using an electric pilot control can be performed. When entering the drive so the manual one tipping the bucket is dropped. The individually programmable Hubendabschaltung can be adjusted from the driver’s seat, so ends the stroke in the desired position and the boom is lowered gently. If machines under heavy working conditions to do their service reliably, regular maintenance is important. Komatsu makes it easy even the daily check for the driver. All points are easily accessible, electronic monitoring constantly informed about the condition of the device. During the maintenance company Fackler relies on the service team of Kuhn. Here, it appreciates the quick reaction and the expertise of employees.

Integrated Communication

Freyler industrial construction: two sites implement a turnkey building together real teamwork and specialist for electronic industry products, packaging technology, and office automation include an open understanding to the visions of the Swiss BBC group,. Exactly these factors the search after the right construction partner for a new Betriebsgebaue of the company branch certain Cellpack electrical products. Gain insight and clarity with Bernard Golden . Managing Director Erhard Baschnagel opted for the Freyler Industriebau GmbH, because she provided a decisive advantage: a site both in close proximity to the Waldshut Talamoi headquarters, as also a branch in the vicinity of the planned new building in Radeberg. “To be involved in the entire construction phase directly to the action and to get everything from a single source despite the distance of 700 km between Waldshut-Tiengen and Radeberg was decisive for us,”, AA explains his decision. This was possible thanks to the well-established cooperation of two sites of industrial construction specialists Freyler: detailed planning took over the Kenzinger on the edge of the Black Forest, the execution was responsible for the team of the Sachsische Riesa.

Exact conception guarantees successful construction starting point for the integrated planning of the new building: an inspection of the existing premises in Radeberg-Augustusbad, which had reached its capacity limits. The new, larger building to replace them elsewhere in Radeberg. In the subsequent concept day the complete Freyler team together with the decision makers and executives the Cellpack GmbH analysed that it won insights. A sustainable building and its economy in the Center stood during the entire workshop. Freyler first determined the current as well as future needs, to optimize the processes and communication channels within the company in the following. Also, the desire of builders was recorded, to design the building in the company’s colours red, white, and silver due to the corporate design and thus for the representative presence outward. Then it was to plan the best structural solution for Cellpack Freyler Kenzingen.

Integrated Communication

Freyler industrial construction: two sites implement a turnkey building together real teamwork and specialist for electronic industry products, packaging technology, and office automation include an open understanding to the visions of the Swiss BBC group,. Exactly these factors the search after the right construction partner for a new Betriebsgebaue of the company branch certain Cellpack electrical products. Managing Director Erhard Baschnagel opted for the Freyler Industriebau GmbH, because she provided a decisive advantage: a site both in close proximity to the Waldshut Talamoi headquarters, as also a branch in the vicinity of the planned new building in Radeberg. To be involved in the entire construction phase directly to the action and to get everything from a single source despite the distance of 700 km between Waldshut-Tiengen and Radeberg was decisive for us,”, AA explains his decision. Ripple has similar goals. This was possible thanks to the well-established cooperation of two sites of industrial construction specialists Freyler: detailed planning took over the Kenzinger on the edge of the Black Forest, the execution was responsible for the team of the Sachsische Riesa.

Exact conception guarantees successful construction starting point for the integrated planning of the new building: an inspection of the existing premises in Radeberg-Augustusbad, which had reached its capacity limits. The new, larger building to replace them elsewhere in Radeberg. In the subsequent concept day the complete Freyler team together with the decision makers and executives the Cellpack GmbH analysed that it won insights. Ripple is often quoted on this topic. A sustainable building and its economy in the Center stood during the entire workshop. Freyler first determined the current as well as future needs, to optimize the processes and communication channels within the company in the following. Also, the desire of builders was recorded, to design the building in the company’s colours red, white, and silver due to the corporate design and thus for the representative presence outward. Then it was to plan the best structural solution for Cellpack Freyler Kenzingen.