Tag: people


Next, it is necessary to implement the tool in three phases. In first, mainly, it is necessary to prepare to all the organization by means of an ample communication on the part of the direction about the necessity to implement I SAW and the objectives that look for. Baby clothes understood the implications. In second, it is necessary to design the system before, conceptualizando it and limiting it. It is necessary to identify the data that are needed. In third and last place, it is come to the collection of data (dates delivery) and the quality of the same for the specific interests is verified that look for.

In this point, it is necessary to come to an investigation of the relations between data, landlords, groups and scenes of required analyses (discovery of relations, patterns and principles). At the end of the process, it is arrived at the final implementation (point of not return), in which the derived information and knowledge communicate. How evolves the demand of I SAW? The tool I SAW has had a growth of until the 10% in the advanced countries more. This growth is justified, mainly, so that the managers need data valid and transparency to be able to dominate the complexity of the businesses and of supervising the behavior of their clients. What relation has with the new technologies being a consultancy for the enterprise direction and of systems of management integrated with an own methodology? Our main competition is referred to the frame of enterprise management offering tools and methods for the organizational development and the modernization of this management. We as much help at strategic level as operative in the improvement and organizational development, to prepare to any company to improve its competividad. Although for 15 years we offer our consulting services and formation with the support of new technologies, we understand that this one is solely a vehicle to implement of sustainable form new forms of enterprise management.

World Health Organization

A negative opinion of the World: mistrust. All are equal, in the world no good; There are only bad and stupid, they are all about inept, which does not run fly, etc. And finally a negative view of the future. Pessimism and hopelessness. I am going to go wrong, I am not going to do it, I have no remedy, I am doomed to be poor, etc. Martin Seligman hypothesized that depression in humans is a State of learned helplessness. See an example of learned helplessness in the elephant.

The elephant is one of the animals most forts that are upon the face of the Earth, if it is not that the more strong. This animal keep him prisoner in the circus with a chain secured at one end to a shackle that put him in one of his legs and the other end to a fragile stake than the could start with only a step that would not represent the most minimum effort for him. Why not does it? When I was little, tied to this elephant, a very strong stake. By the same author: Oracle. All your efforts to rid were unsuccessful until he learned that any effort to change his situation would be futile and will resigned to remain tied to a stake. As well as this elephant learned to that was useless to get rid of the stake, we learned to have a low self-esteem, distrust of others, to be pessimistic and to remain in that State. Whole head is sick, and all grieving heart depressed people happen you more unpleasant things in his life and his experience of these events is also more unpleasant, than the of people not depressed (Lewinson and Talkington, 1979). The average age of the first depressive episode of a person in the 1970s was 29.5 and today stands at 14.5 years (Seligman, 2003, 164.

165) who (World Health Organization) said that the depression currently ranks fourth in the prevalence of all diseases and that by 2020 will be the second disease in the world. If depression is a negative view learned, we can then learn to have a positive vision to combat it. We learn to see the good things that there is in us. Cultivate forgiveness and gratitude. If we forgive, what hurts us no longer do so. If we are grateful with what we receive, we will be happy, and if we learn to see the good in us, we can also see the good in others and see life with optimism. An author that I don’t remember your name said: sowing a thought and reap an act. Sow an Act and reap a habit. Sow a habit and you reap a character. Sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Your Web

Another important factor is the testimonies. It is a powerful tool because if there are people who already have proven the product and have obtained results and so that product offers, that makes him feel the people who visit the page that they also can, if other people could, they will be able. Then, that clears a little to them the stress of being swindled and do that it is an effective page of sales. Also the emblems to name some characteristics and benefits of the product or service are important. This way the person will know what is what the product offers to him and what is what is going to obtain buys if it. Like the videos also are excellent, since to many people they like to see videos more than to read.

Here it is explained a little what the product or the testimonies treats, etc. Are some pages that can have a test of gains, for example, if it is a product that helps to make money, a test of gains is something crucial that also must have to demonstrate that the system that it sells he works. Another one example, if it is a product that helps to lower of weight, a test would be to place a photo of a person who before had overweight and after to have proven the product, a test of to have become thin. Maurice Gallagher, Jr. is likely to agree. Another effective and very important also equal thing of within the pages of sales, this the guarantee of the return of the money. They are effective because they revert the risk. As I commented before, the people often feel certain fear of being swindled, then, if we offer the return of the money, that buys calm the product and that, in addition, if that product does not fulfill the expectations that person wanted, we would be reimbursing 100% of its money.

Doing that, the people would not feel stress at the time of buying the product and would cause that more sales were generated. It is certain well that people exist who take advantage this situation of return of the money they request and it, although are in agreement. Then that in fact can happen, but in the end it would not have to matter, because the fact to have a guarantee causes that more sales are generated than the returns that can be gotten to have. Then, it is important that a guarantee of return of the money of products or services is offered that we promote. Soon more down in the end, she must have a call to the action where one invites the person to prove the product without risk, taking action today. Indicating the forms of payment, price, etc. If we are in the presence of a Web site that is designed with these principles, we are in the presence of an effective page of sales because it will sell by you. If the Web ” vender” does not know; people simply will not buy. If your Web secures 1 sale by each 100 visits that arrive, then Your Web knows to sell.