Tag: last-minute


The method used to block the websites has been the computer attack DDos. Users of the Twitter network clarified that there is no dome of Anoymous and attacks are actions not organised by a single person. The police dismantled the dome Friday of anonymous in Spain. Anonymous in Spain: its origin, rise, modes of action and identity. Cyberactivists Anonymous network has claimed an attack on the website of the national police, which has had problems of access, as a protest to the arrest of those responsible in Spain of this group during early this morning on a Twitter account. Aim:. Situation: Take it down by the arrest of peaceful demonstrators, can read in @Anon_Central in Twitter, where under the hashtag # #oppolicia, hundreds of users also discussed the attack and the arrests of the police, described as unacceptable.

In addition to the website of the police, other places that have also been affected by this attack have been the INEM and the public State employment service website. Access to these last two portals at 1045 hours was not yet possible. Labour sources have been added that they do not know yet if it is to a computer attack. The method used to block the websites has been the computer DDos attack (similar to that used previously against the websites of the SGAE or the Ministry of culture), which consists of the massive attempt to access a page to cause its collapse. Police sources have indicated that, at the moment, they do not have information about the alleged attack to your web. Responsible for Anonymous in Spain were planning to publish classified information about agents of State security and political in different websites and forums of content proetarra, and bodies as they explained sources of the investigation after analyzing documents seized at the home of Gijon and sensitive data. Reactions on Twitter under the hashtag # #oppolicia, several Internet users have ironizado on the attack, which occurred in response to the arrest of three people last Friday belonging to the dome of Anonymous according to the national police.

Most of the Twitter have clarified that there is no such dome and attacks to respond to actions not organised by a single person. In any case, some tweets (written both in English and in Spanish) clarified that, in this way, it responded to the arrest of peaceful Protestant. The police will put two riot police in front of the central computer to prevent anyone entering or leaving without permission or in the RAID were the mother of Anonymous who was doing a solo on the computer are some ironic comments of the Twitter in allusion to the attack. The national police dismantled last Friday the dome of the Organization of hackers Anonymous in Spain to arrest their three perpetrators in the country, one of which housed at his home a Server from which executed attacks computer to governmental, financial and business web pages around the world. Source of the news: Anonymous attacked the website of the national police in response to the arrests on Friday

London Olympic Games

The wave of violence began last Saturday at Tottenham, North London, and was later extended in other neighborhoods of the capital and five cities in England, although the recent altercations occurred on Tuesday and already joined two nights of calm. They are arrested 1,210, of which 698 have been prosecuted, according to the latest data from Scotland Yard in London. If half of the defendants are lower in London, in the entire country that percentage over the arrests is reduced to 17%, according to the Ministry of justice. Perhaps check out Larry Ellison for more information. In addition, the police has been given more time to question three suspects arrested for the death of three Muslims hit in Birmingham (Central England) when they protected their neighborhood stores. Some of these minors were arrested after being reported by the parents, as in the case of a teenager of 14 years of Manchester accused of robbery whom his mother brought to the police station after recognizing him in a photo published in the newspaper. Also denounced a few parents to their daughter’s 18 registered years as an Ambassador for the London Olympic Games to receive foreign visitors, after seeing it on television throwing bricks at a showcase. Police wear the police does not save the wear which are being submitted since the unrest began and, especially, since last Tuesday began to deploy 16,000 officers in London to control the wave of violence.

Kevin Hurley, former responsible of the Metropolitan Police has warned the chain Sky News that the massive presence of police officers in the capital cannot be sustained and that agents are exhausted. According to Hurley, many survive with as much four or five hours of sleep a day and warns of the exertion that agents are doing. First eviction following the violent behaviour of the youngest unrest has begun to have consequences for their families, and in the District of Wandsworth, in South London, the father of a teenager processing was Friday ordered to eviction from the floor of official protection in which the family lives in rented.

Councilman Councillor

It’s Javier Valderas, son of Diego Valderas, general coordinator of IU-LV-CA in Andalusia. The rest of present in the plenary is not ensured that his promise was illegal. The councilman has ensured that it was somewhat premeditated. Javier Valderas, the son of the general coordinator of IU-LV-CA, Diego Valderas, has taken this Saturday sworn in as Councillor for IU in the municipality of Lepe (Huelva), using a formula to engage with the consistory at which has ignored both the King and the Spanish Constitution. Valderas has been the last of the twenty-one Councillors of City Hall indecent in the oath, and when you accessed the presidential table, has espetado: I promise by my conscience and honor faithfully fulfil the duties of the Office of Councilman with loyalty to citizens, and fight for the well-being of all of them as a fundamental norm of the State. Javier Valderas, therefore, has obviated the phrases with loyalty to the King and save and do save the Constitution as a fundamental norm of the State, a formula that is illegal for the oath, without However, it has gone unnoticed for those responsible for monitoring the legality of the session. The Chairperson of the Bureau of the plenary (senior Councillor), Josefa Christ, as the Mayor himself, Manuel Andres Gonzalez, have applauded its promise as the rest of Councillors, without be sure the illegality was committing.

The Mayor has pointed out: was something premeditated, because I was looking for a formula that was not promise by imperative legal, it is that some party colleagues use, and I decided to bet on dnder to the citizens, that is what should be the motivation of all politicians. On the idea of not naming the Constitution, said: is a book which, to this day today, nobody, and especially politicians, do not respect what reflects. In addition, at any time of the oath he has played the copy of the Magna Carta which is located in this type of acts so that the Councillors swear his position with your right hand on the same. Lepe Town Council has been constituted with normalcy despite the attitude the Councillor of IU, party that has gained representation in this town for the first time in the history of democracy in a consistory that governs the PP absolute majority.