Tag: controversy

Microsoft MovieMaker

Have we heard much about Web 2.0? lately. It sounds good, and is up to modern, talking about blogging and social media. But it will really affect your business? Does Web 2.0 is only for kids and technology enthusiasts or is something that business owners should use to help us promote our business? Actually, if it is useful or not for your business it is something that will have to decide yourself, but is definitely something worth having in mind. In my opinion is a very valuable tool that could help you to get more and more clients. Here are some things that you should consider if you plan to use Web 2.0 tools to expand your business: 1. have a planComo in any action marketing, have a Plan helps you to know some science objectives aims to achieve, how much you are willing to invest and is working with that time frame. If you would like to know more about Southwest Airlines, then click here.

Do not enter to it only because it is fashionable. As with any other aspect of your first business the Plan.2. Investigate if your target audience is online.The Web 2.0 is fabulously efficient to promote your business. A related site: Rory Sutherland mentions similar findings. But it is also totally useless if the people who will see your message, does not want to or is not interested in providing. As any marketing channel, only works if your potential customers can see (or hear) your message and are receptive to him.

3 Create good 700v Web 2.0 is the social web, but still has content. A bad content leads to a bad marketing. Your content must be relevant, interesting and real. Tell your client what you want to know, before you ask him. 4. Not vendAyude, report, educated but do not sell. In the Web 2.0 people connects to help each other. Vendors are not allowed! Think about education, not advertising. Deliver useful tips or honest opinions that they may believe. It will thus build credibility and confidence, which will take you to relate to potential new customers. 5. Have your own BlogWordPress and Blogger are two of the best tools blogs that can even set free of charge. Start blogging, learn as works and how you use the Web 2.0 people. Target your foot in the water before diving!. 6 Video Marketing a great RecursoCompre a video camera, a tripod, and a microphone. Take a weekend and make a film. A theme can be linked to your product, your advice or your company. Always observe the conditions of content that I pointed him in point 3. You can use Microsoft MovieMaker to edit your video and then upload it to YouTube.com or any directory of videos that want you. 7. Navigate to AprenderNavegue blogs, YouTube, Google Videos, Del.icio.us, Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati and other social media sites. Learn how they work and who goes there. Become part of the social media communities. Make some new friends online. Immerse yourself in culture Web 2.0 way of knowing how it works and if it could be adapted to their marketing plans. With these few tips, you are ready to start using Web 2.0 tools and unlimitedly expand the scope of their business, conquering in the process friends and clients. Undoubtedly, an opportunity that may not pass.

Shipment Day

Despirtese! 6. Muvase towards its objective! Towards where? If it has not determined an objective, is moment for doing it. Without knowing towards where we go, surely we will arrive at any destiny. We will have squandered the resources that we knew to obtain, and investing still more to channel the course of our business.

Conclusion: it determines his objectives! Pregntese where it wants to be (where it wants that it is his company) within six months, a year, 5 years; how it will reach those objectives? And when? 7. It makes specific his weekly debatable idea. If something can maintain it active, that something is the promotion of its emprendimiento. Propngase to create a new form of promotion every week, every fifteen days, every month, every day! I leave it to the objective to its criterion and of its business. That, if before it seduced its clients, yes now conqustelos. An exotic design for the summer season in its show window, the hiring of a personage met for the children (and adults), who you are that well-known personage! , the shipment of a program for PC, customized with the logo of its company, etc. Muvalos towards its emprendimiento! 8.

Dynamic challenge. Every day propngase to discover a new form to make the things. How to put to us in movement always doing the same? Pardon, yes we will be in movement but I doubt for a long time that more. The challenge is to find ideas original that they allow his emprendimiento to evolve day to day: a new ingredient, a new package, a new name, a new logo, a new presentation, a new script writing, a new message in its answering machine, a new company/signature in its mail, a new color in his newsletter, a new section in its Web site, a new data exceeds you that meets their client, a new article, a new seminary that to dictate, a new course that to take, a new forum in which to participate, a new fair in which to expose, etc.