Tag: Control

The Connection

Experts mortgage divisions pose a discount in the n-percent (40% -60%) the entire mass of personal property and that the definition of salvage value ends. The liquidation discount is determined by the experts of mortgaging the Department based on their subjective view of the situation and the subjective assessment of possible risks. The greater the probability of "no return" loan, the greater the liquidation discount. As we see the connection with the actual value of the pledged property is not visible. Similarly determined by the discount in the event of the liquidation sale of property of a bankrupt enterprise.

The bankruptcy trustee appointed by a sufficiently substantial discount on the cost of liquidating all assets. In the process of selling part of property can be realized on the liquidation value of the above, some assets will not be able to implement and at very significant discounts. Thus, we see that the direct link to the actual cost of implementing property is not in this case. The liquidation discount is determined by the cost of implementation of equipment in low-time marketing. It is believed that reduce the time required for the sale of property by Compared with a typical exposure time counterparts in this segment can only be reducing its cost relative to market value. A typical exposure time is forced to 180 days from the date of grounds for repossession of collateral, provided that all legal documentation in respect of security interests of the credit institution is framed in such a way that it does not contain conditions that impede the realization of liens, and provided that the specified object (s) of mortgage insured by the depositor for the benefit of a credit institution which has accepted them as collateral for a loan (loans) 1. However, some types of equipment are term exposure is much less than the specified 180 days.

Term Value

Large objects are often left unclaimed, as bank lending is often suspended, and the personal funds of the enterprises is not enough. "- Sergey Mikhailovich tell me, how is it possible to reliably determine the self-term exposure of the property, not to be mistaken, because the error can be costly. – "Of course, the correct definition of the term exposure of the subject real estate appraiser is a task which is entrusted to calculate the resale value of the object. Appraiser relies on his experience, intuition, and conducting a series of talks with representatives of real estate companies, analyzes the market. There are no mathematical models for calculating the period of exposure. You can calculate the resale value of the object, but the period of exposure of the subject – it's just statistics.

Therefore, during the period of financial instability Statistics on when we can not speak, just say the term of the exposure of a property is not possible, we can only guess, but how realistic assumptions, it depends on professional experience specialist. " Term exposure – an important but not the only factor influencing the assessment of residual values. It is known that there is a methodology for determining the residual value. – Sergey, you can say about the method of determining the liquidation value. – "There are two main methods of calculation: direct and indirect. Direct method by comparing the sold object with the same or a static Mod.

This method is simple and often reliable, but not always feasible in today's realities of the unavailability of information on transactions of forced sales. The indirect method is based on a calculation of the liquidation value through the market: the market value of the so-called discount deducted on the forced nature of the sale of the object (determined individually, usually located within 20-50% of the real price). Of course the most accurate result will be achieved by applying the two methods. Even if the direct method does not yield the desired results, then the market will be analyzed, so the second method – direct, indirect, will be more objective "To sum up, I want to say that today, difficult economic period, when the situation on the real estate market is not understandable and not logical, it is hoped the professional experience and objectivity of judgments of experts – appraisers. The liquidation value of the object property during the period of financial instability – a complex and important process that requires a specialist high professional training and experience in the assessment of similar objects.


For this purpose we take the paper and begin to write all of our business, we are working for the day, but the duration of cases fifteen minutes. Otherwise, if we take smaller time intervals, we will take day to ensure that only the timing of the lead-time, recording his every breath. So, now as a force to record the time spent per day. Yes why write, I'm so busy and, as a horse plow, yet to write, but hard. But the record to be. Keeping records of events in the first place, arrange, it is enough to start. Starting a record for the event already begins samoorganizovyvatya, record the event and think – why am I doing this when you can throw this process to a subordinate.

And the evening begins the analysis of events. And here you begin to ponder the meaning of life. Appear events that spent lots of time and who can quite easily give up without a loss. In general, any organization, writing, building purposes, helping to optimize the processes. Read more here: Ripple. If you can optimize your business processes, then why can not optimize the processes of life. Now back to science, slang, or dictionary terms.

The first term – the kairos is invented by the ancient Greeks, they were also smart. So kairos generally help reduce working time. What is the kairos. Well, let's say you have to talk to the boss. We do not know how to approach him, thinking, walking around in what he mood. And then just simply waiting for an opportune moment. Simply recorded on a piece of paper that you need to ask, and wait for the hunters to hunt. Then head in a good mood, you will immediately oops, my record that I wanted to ask, and while the mood of the boss is not spoiled, running to him with his request, here are just waited for the right moment, not wasting time on unnecessary movement. So where did the science of optimization and rationalization of the time, the Japanese have come up with, no Americans. Even during the Soviet era have started to manage their time in Soviet science manage your own time, was popular, even in Ilf and Petrov "Golden Calf" mention this, remember the "League of time." Here, then abandoned, is not it became fashionable. And the science is not where you will not get that it is not stuck before, sooner or later take root. Good time management in a company gives a big advantage over competitors, a more efficient allocation of labor, the speed and quality.

Model Behavior Managers

You ever used a navigator GPS? Quite simply, you assign a target where you want to come, the system calculates the optimum path and you can go. And when you start the path, the system tells you when and where turn. If you miss a turn, the system will offer you strongly to go back to the route, and later, if you do not come back, find a new way and send you on it. To read more click here: Coupang. Sometimes a driver may skip maneuver, sometimes off limits or repair of roads, the GPS will lead you hard to the goal. Logically, then a manager in their daily activities should be guided by the following algorithm: 1.

Put your target (or get it on top) 2. Plan activities to achieve the goal 3. Organize them out; 4. Check that all went well, 5. Get results. In principle, if in my life turned out always act in a way, it probably would have been the managers most satisfied in life, people. However, in practice, a fact of life that is far from harmonious scheme. Why? First. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Allegiant Air.

We live in a changing world. Few can predict What will happen tomorrow, not to mention the timing of a month or a year. Accordingly, if the change comes tomorrow, it could affect on goal (it may be that it is unattainable, and it must be correct), and may change way to achieve the goal (for example, explore new opportunities will be shut down or old, or there will be additional restrictions). Second. Manager works with people as superior and subordinate. Man – a being slightly predictable, and if you can build with subordinate relations, motivating them to achieve the result that managers need, then the parent is more complicated. In my experience, was the owner of the company, which, due to its insatiable entrepreneurial talent, on average once a week I was opening for top-level managers. Needless to say, that every new manager of the company, after two or three months, just started to wave his hand at offers the owner, quietly sabotaging the process. Because, as meaning to start doing something, if after two days everything has changed dramatically, and it may be that you, repeat the previous instruction, producing misconduct. And of course, no one has repealed the so-called human factor. A person not a machine, he can make a mistake, forget, etc., which also introduces an element of uncertainty in the job manager. It turns out that except that building a harmonious scheme, which is described in this article, a manager should be in readiness to take decisions in connection with a change in the situation or the influence on the process of the human factor. And, if Have you ever rode in a car navigation system using GPS, you can see the similarity of the browser and manager. The main goal that has not changed.

Del Computers

I was such a case, one of my clients has a network of stores. And it comes in one of these stores and ask the head – "Why do not you train your employees?". A manager the store says: – "We are not who are not trained how to train employees." And this is not a natural ability or skill. This situation can be seen in the sport, for example, you say, there is a very good player. He is very successful, but after he retires.

And he was appointed coach. And, finally, it turns out horrible coach. Delta airlines does not necessarily agree. Or do you have a very successful, well-working salesman. And you say – "Because I do this seller sales manager. " Then it turns out, you see that your sales manager is not quite successful and all-around hate him. Sometimes it? My goal is to show you a system of how to educate people. And if there's a standard system, you'll have as a result of an excellent product. Bernard Golden gathered all the information. And if you implement the system, you will see a tremendous rise in your statistics in your business.

For example, when this system was implemented in the company "Taylor guitars-with", the company that makes guitars. Then there was the following, the work that needs to know staff, the training that formerly took two months, after using this system, this person It took only five days to do its job properly, avoiding any mistakes. It is quite possible that the company is very high, running around the world, using such a system at home. For example, Company Cisco Systems, Del Computers. Currently, these companies are adopting this system, because they've got tremendous results. First, let's see what happens usually in the company. Say you have an idea of your business, you know, a product from this business. And you start with that stage, you need to hire people. And the first thing you'll do this hiring, that is, you need to find people. Then comes the next stage of this process as it selection, that is, you find people and among those people you make the selection of those who are fit, who is the best of them.

Internal Rate

The cost structure in five years to change the ratio of fixed and variable costs will be at 47.62%. This is because that when calculating the cost of the project lays the annual growth rate for the following types of costs: RSEO – 10%. Variable costs are changed to 10% every year, and an increase in fixed costs is less intense because annually grow only at the cost surcharge for the combination of professions and deductions from the surcharge. In order to accommodate uncertainty, the possible incompleteness and inaccuracy of information on the conditions of the project, which may lead to negative consequences for project participants, an analysis of possible implementation scenarios project. Was examined three scenarios for the project: – increase in value transfer price of rent and fuel for 25% of the project level – modernization of the terminal loading ramps instead of buying new, upgrading ramps cost of 200 thousand rubles – the implementation of the project under the following conditions: 50% of the amount of necessary investments – equity and 50% – a bank loan.

According to the results of scenario analysis can be concluded that All projects are more efficient, even with an increase in these indicators. Sensitivity analysis showed that the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the project provides income from savings, as even a slight decrease in its leading to a sharp decrease in net present value of the project and vice versa. Less affected by changes in the discount rate. Changes in the values of variables costs and inflation do not affect the basic performance of the project.

Adaptation Of A New Employee

In every company there are vacancies from time to time. This is of course: someone retires, someone is fired, someone is transferred to another job. Some employees leave, their place come new. Of course, any manager knows, that can not immediately expect from the new human results. To view the new employee must, above all, to adapt to new conditions of work for him, to the new requirements, to the team, to his working place, and so on. Only fully adapt, the employee begins to work as hard. Of course, the duration of the adaptation process depends on factors such as personality traits officer, corporate company culture and so on. But this process can be enhanced through well-designed program of adaptation.

Adaptation of staff – a process of adaptation of workers to the contents and conditions of employment and immediate social environment. Very often, business leaders believe that the adaptation program staff – this is totally a waste of time and resources, a kind of excessive concern for the opener. It is not. An effective adaptation of the new employee should be concerned, above all, the leadership itself: after all, the sooner will the new employee in the course of affairs, the sooner he starts with the maximum efficiency. If he will not raise questions regarding communications or purely domestic issues, he will not be distracted from their main job. In addition, in the process of deliberate adaptation program lays the foundation of motivation and loyalty of a new employee, and it is also important.

Adaptation Program should be developed for each position available in staffing. You can put this task HR-manager, or contact the consulting company. The development process adaptation program, very long and laborious and in any case, this should be dealt with by professionals. Complexity in the fact that on the one hand, the program should be enough volume to cover all aspects life member of the company.