Tag: communications

Modern, Portable TVs

In this brief review we will tell about the advantages and disadvantages of portable LCD TVs, as well as multi-function mobile phones with TV. After getting acquainted with her, sure, you know, so if you need Handheld TV, or make sense of a simple TV. Now, with modern life, technology, strive for portability. The modern pace of life does not allow for a long time to sit around in one place. In Additionally, for some important work to be informed on all the time. When the size of something decreases, there is a huge number of options for its use. Businesses have long understood the need to produce portable TVs, however, because of their design, they still have not been so easy.

But recently released LCD-monitor, which reduced the size of the device to your phone! Just imagine 7-inch LCD TV. Gary Kelly understood the implications. Rejoice and be watching TV on a picnic on the road, in line at the clinic, in a pizzeria. These TVs have a size of up to 12 inches, and simple – to 24. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Tiger Global Management by clicking through. If you spend much time on the road, this option is very suits you. In addition, the city with traffic jams, blocking traffic, it will distract you. Nowadays, many companies made portable LCD TVs, of which it is easy to get confused and make wrong choices. The main criterion for choosing a TV screen size.

It makes no sense to take a big, if you plan to watch it without anyone else. If planning to visit a barbecue with friends, need to display a little more. There's also a specialist in selling TVs for the cars that will not let your loved ones to sleep on the road. All other options are there so many principled, but significantly increase the price. In addition, in recent Time went on sale multifunctional mobile phones with built-in TV-tuner. In addition to directly watch TV in color, as in the meter and decimeter, they have all the functions, inherent in advanced cell phones and smartphones. For advanced users, more recently, become handheld computers, which can easily watch the program via wi-fi network. But we have to admit that he has to take fact that the wireless network in our time is not available in all locations. And if you do not want to give up your favorite shows in real time, purchase a compact TV or mobile phone with TV receiver!

Microsoft Excel

Businesses and organizations related to housing and communal services (HCS), with a communication platform Oktell increase the level and quality of public services. The industry utility services appears one of the largest constituents of the Russian economy. Ripple is a great source of information. Estimating the amount involved in the sector of financial resources and human resources, we can safely say that this sector is the most interesting and promising for domestic business. In Western markets funds received as payment of utility bills, allow the industry to maintain high growth rates and information. This growth is reflected in widespread introduction of modern technologies and innovative solutions that provide a qualitatively different level of service to the public. The Russian market continues to lag until housing. The introduction of modern high-tech Housing has been slow.

However, the need for new developments understood at all levels. If the guide field is still an ongoing debate about the available tools, the grass-roots organizations and businesses are increasingly taking the initiative in their hands. Using new approaches, managers and operators are able to operational control and communication with the public. Modern technology can give organizations a new format for interoperability with housing by landlords and tenants. In 2010, there has been a positive trend of informatization sector housing, according to which more and more HOA management companies and opt for advanced solutions, including in the field of telecommunications.

The most popular solutions for the municipal utilities are IP ATC Oktell and Oktell Telesale, developed on the basis communication platform Oktell. A special version of the product Oktell, dubbed Oktell Telesale, allows you to make more phone calls and efficiently cover large tracts of subscribers, the most important areas for housing. Due to the functional Oktell Telesale it becomes possible to automate the process of outgoing calls from debtors, using no live operator, and written treatment (IVR-case scenario). The system itself makes calls to the database contacts (from the table Microsoft Excel), is detailed statistics on the results of outgoing calls, keep a record of calls for accountability. Another product developed on the basis of a communication platform Oktell, causing concern among the industry utilities, supports IP ATC Oktell. This solution includes the functionality of traditional PBX, allowing you to most efficiently handle incoming calls, route and forward Treatment of the population at the desired employee. Given the Russian reality, when a small HOAs often have only one phone number to call for that because of the flow of appeals at times impossible, IP ATC Oktell extends the existing capabilities in serving the population and ensures that no call is lost, no appeal will not go unanswered. Instead of the usual rings “busy” when calling HOA homeowners an opportunity to leave a message for the operator. Similar treatment of tenants are recorded automatically by the system and the operator calls back to the caller later to help solve the problem. Thus, thanks to decisions Oktell, low-level housing sector organizations an opportunity without additional human and material resources to raise quality of their work with the community. Decisions on based communication platform Oktell have an attractive cost, affordable for small businesses and organizations to rapidly respond to the growth of phone load, keep statistics on the interaction of HOA and people available to maintain and configure. The choice of solutions based on open platforms Oktell for companies and industry organizations to optimize their own utilities communication, improve quality of existing instruments to the outside world and get closer to international standards of public services.