Next, it is necessary to implement the tool in three phases. In first, mainly, it is necessary to prepare to all the organization by means of an ample communication on the part of the direction about the necessity to implement I SAW and the objectives that look for. Baby clothes understood the implications. In second, it is necessary to design the system before, conceptualizando it and limiting it. It is necessary to identify the data that are needed. In third and last place, it is come to the collection of data (dates delivery) and the quality of the same for the specific interests is verified that look for.
In this point, it is necessary to come to an investigation of the relations between data, landlords, groups and scenes of required analyses (discovery of relations, patterns and principles). At the end of the process, it is arrived at the final implementation (point of not return), in which the derived information and knowledge communicate. How evolves the demand of I SAW? The tool I SAW has had a growth of until the 10% in the advanced countries more. This growth is justified, mainly, so that the managers need data valid and transparency to be able to dominate the complexity of the businesses and of supervising the behavior of their clients. What relation has with the new technologies being a consultancy for the enterprise direction and of systems of management integrated with an own methodology? Our main competition is referred to the frame of enterprise management offering tools and methods for the organizational development and the modernization of this management. We as much help at strategic level as operative in the improvement and organizational development, to prepare to any company to improve its competividad. Although for 15 years we offer our consulting services and formation with the support of new technologies, we understand that this one is solely a vehicle to implement of sustainable form new forms of enterprise management.