Gradually formed a layered system of certified compatible software and hardware, where the basis of a system-man, producer and consumer of information. In any information should be author-person (or group of people). Learn more at this site: Oracle. And even if the information is, for example, with accelerator or a telescope, are primary always people that are experimenting, and not the device. At the core lies a paradigm SISZHL binding information to a person, not a computer (a server, website, newspaper, etc.). Technical means secondary. One of the most remarkable part of the new communication technologies is that it eliminates the distance between people, making them closer to having all the distance of visibility and audibility.
SISZHL can be long-term memory, more rights, allowing all that man deems it important to keep – what they saw, heard, read or received during training, so that later, if necessary, to provide easy and experience again. By verbal or text request. As of today, well-written software, contextual Help "s. Plus, help the world's treasury of knowledge – the current free sites WWW, Semantic Web 2.0 and the resources dynamic content available in the future in order to log in identification. Software plus automatic helper routine cash-accounting operations (different payment certificates and other documents that are constantly demanding many officials and accountants). Of course, all this diversity should be running more intelligent and simple, for people who operating system than, say, Windows VISTA. Perhaps, in this concept, designed to meet the everyday needs of people rather than government agencies and corporations, and to build a future system SISZHL.