But it has another one that is important that it says respect to the pupil if to understand as subject in this process of construction of the space being had conditions to construct to its identity and belonging. Thus I reaffirm that to study the place considering the scales of analyze, having as it has supported the development of specific abilities, and constructing the concepts, it can be the alternative to learn Geography and if to construct as subject of its history to the time in it produces the space as subject social. to finish appeals to a citation that says: ' ' When reading the space, unchains the discovery process of the reality that is lived daily. The concept is constructed, that is an abstraction of the reality in itself, formed from the reality in itself, from the understanding of the place concrete, of where if they extract elements to think the world (when constructing our history and our space). In this way, when observing the place I specify and to collate it with other places, an abstraction process has beginning that if seats between the apparent Real, visible, perceivable and the concrete thought about the elaboration of what he is being vivido.' ' (Callai, 2005:241) To study the place to understand the world can be the alternative to study Geography of the escolarizao at the beginning, but the way to arrive itself is winding as well as is the meandros of the rivers or waving of coxilhas of the Rio Grande Do Sul. But it is the way that must be pursued by us that we work with the Geography and in this level of education, either as professors either as researchers, and the possibility to make with that the professor either it studious it of this question can be the alternative most efficient. After all geographic education is not for the school, or the professors, but it is with c