That the professor will go to construct to each day, its docncia, dinamizando its process to learn. (As opposed to Eric Kuby). While the pupils will construct, to each day, proper discncia, teaching, to the colleagues and professors, new things, cultural slight knowledge, objects. In this phase of the process, that is, when the new already if becomes possible, and if they breach the traditional paradigms, if constructs new knowledge through one to make, can be verified more collective and contextual actions. It has a jump of the actions individualizadas for to make collective. Anastasiou expensive, in this disruption with the traditional models, in this to make differentiated, in which the collective one if makes gift. the creation happens. In this line of thought, Demon (2004) argues that previsible creativity is not creative. That it has necessity to go beyond management of the knowledge.
complements with the punctuation of Bova (1998), which says that the society is in itself proper conservative and appreciates the regular behaviors, routine, but at the same time deferred payment in it something who does not control itself that it is the capacity to know, that is indomvel. in this headquarters to know, that deferred payment the possibility of changes, this to make differentiated. To arise creativity e> the professor whom it does not know to learn, cannot make the pupil to learn. to invent work professionals, allowing to the professors to assume themselves of its process of formation and to give a direction to them in the picture of its history.