Portugese Industrialists

The situation of the Portuguese economy and the good march of Vivafit in their growth like tax exemption have done that the Portuguese industralist Fernando Gaspar, along with his wife, has transferred his residence to Spain and is going to develop his activity being part of the network of feminine gymnasiums, abriendo their first premises in the capital. Fernando Gaspar developed his activity as multifranchise-holder of the mark in Portugal but the economic instability of the neighboring country and the perspective of growth of Vivafit in Spain has caused that this entrepreneur made the decision to transfer not only his enterprise activity but also its residence, that will fix to Madrid. In one first stage, this industralist will abrir a pilot establishment in the capital for more ahead becoming multifranchise-holder, looking for zones of good acceptance of this type of gymnasiums in the Community of Madrid. First of the Vivafit premises of this franchise-holder he will be located in the Madrilenian street of the Delights, in the district of Arganzuela, with a population of 150,000 inhabitants, closely together of Tube stations of Atocha, Delights and Woods of the Border. Vivafit, that takes operating like tax exemption from 2005, contributes an equipment of support to the franchise-holder of more than 20 qualified professionals and with years of experience in the sector, a rigorous selection of the franchise-holders, customized approval of the premises, professionalism of international level, and more than 75 hours of initial formation with a constant evolution in the methods to take care of the body. In addition, this multinational specialized in the care of the body of the woman guarantees to the franchise-holder: To integrate itself in a solid system of franchise based on an original and unique business in a market in continuous growth. To benefit from the initiatives of the equipment for the good development of its own center. .