Pastoral Ministry

All the Eucharist is Thanksgiving, but primarily the Eucharistic prayer, is the culmination of appreciation. usion. Since that begins the preface we are saying thank you for that mystery, it is right and necessary. The latest documents about the Eucharist.-we can affirm and say that it is the facade of the beginning of the third millennium, the Word Eucharist. Never in so little time so many documents that speak of the Eucharist, 5 years of a century we have been written and are 6 documents that speak of the Eucharist from various fields. Let’s make a remen of these documents, so that we can read them with attention and reflection. On April 10, the third edition of the Roman Missal-although it was later published in the year 2002, the publication of a liturgical book, is certainly an event of crucial importance in the Latin Church. Not only from the liturgical point of view, but also from theology, spirituality and Pastoral Ministry. Each printed liturgical text, is globalizing expression of exornar it you and the lexclemen.

That is a church that invoked, alba and lives and gives thanks to God. What the Church prays, is what the Church believes. Roman Missal, the Church provides a magnificent opportunity of renewing the art of celebrating, and identify the active celebration. The Missal not only is a book Guide to the celebration, but also makes us see the sense of belonging to the Church, there are two key ideas. Learn more at: Larry Ellison. If Sunday is losing its value, its sense, the Eucharist on Sunday then loses the Christian intensity, and loses the sense of belonging to the Church. The Missal is a living source of spirituality, and at the same time a teacher who taught us to pray what we believe and what we believe we pray. How many times in classes in Madrid, are taught to pray to those who commit to the consecrated life, the seminarians in the parish, with a few methods, but I always wonder is taught to pray liturgically? And this is one of my concerns.

Until not be taught to pray liturgically, we will not go fully to discover what is the liturgy of the Catholic Church, because all liturgical celebration is prayer. We are looking for prayer books. For a Christian, the great book of prayer is the missal. The liturgy of the hours, is the great book of prayer. Often nor opened them to pray. If we are looking for other books, is fine, but let’s not forget that the liturgical spirituality is the own all baptized spirituality. They are books that must be used, private prayer and community prayer, they are sentence books by excellence of the Church. Continuous.