the information that you wanted to deprive you of are a secret of fitness through proper nutrition! Gift from the microwave oven. An unprecedented attempt by science-suppression of electrical apparatus Association for household and trade Switzerland tried 1993-1994 in the years, manage to let a strictly scientific trials on harmful effects of microwave ovens and micro waves food by the World Court ruling. The researchers, Dr. Hansuli Hertel, was prohibited on Swiss Federal Court level, to publish its research results and publicly to say that micro waves food would cause cancer. Only through an appeal to the International Court of Justice for human rights in Strasbourg these attacks on freedom of expression and freedom of research were repelled. The Court was right in its judgment dated 25 August 1998 Dr. Hertel.
What should be suppressed here? The results of Dr. Hertel and Prof. Blanc in a strictly scientific and always reproducible research series showed the scientists during a two Month period (August-September 1989, University of Lausanne), that in eight voluntary subjects immediately after taking food heated in a microwave oven the blood count significantly for the worse changed. Single-dose irradiated food were these value changes mostly within the normal tolerance range, but had repeated intake of micro wave dishes get off clear statistical trends, which indicated clearly on onset of anemia and early cancer events. What does the microwave oven in the food? It does not matter whether one warms up “only” food in the microwave, heat coffee water or properly cooks the radiation poisoned all foods, with whom she comes in contact. The radiation denatured food, that is to say: she changed the natural structure of the cells. Such food has different effects in the body as food, that have their original cell structure.