Microsoft Office

The presented citizens that had participated of the didactic activity however are of a Public University of the State of Par. They are licenciandos of Pedagogia? course with perspective to act in the docncia of the initial series? of two groups of the room semester of this course. We use an open questionnaire (to see appendix) formed by a set of questions for verification of the importance of a didactic activity directed toward the one in geometry bell. The activity if initiated with the presentation of the project, with the use of slides presented in the PowerPoint program. The first stage if gave with the explanation of the basic concepts of the authors on which we base our study, namely: Jean Piaget, Ubiratan D? Ambrosio and also concepts of the National Curricular Parameters (PCN? s), where it was mentioned beddings related to education learning.

The mockups had been presented with the parts that compose them separate ones of the others. Learn more about this with Larry Ellison. to the same conclusion. Moreover, it was presenting an sketch of as if it gave the construction process step by step, with figures made in a software Microsoft Office, paintbrush, used to assist them in the assembly of the same ones. After this, the citizens of the research had used of work in team to visualize and to mount the mockups, thus the participants of the research could after mount them, as if they were puzzle Where the glue of the parts occurred and, this stage, argue as the bristol board and the isopor had been constructed to the mockups with, ask for to the participants who executed measurements of the dimensions (length, area and volume) of the mockups and representation in low plants of the represented buildings: the Market of Iron of See-THE-Weight (historical construction of the city of Belm), one shopping of the city and a communications tower of an sender of radio television..