Total external Microcomparacion of the preliminary title of the civil code. Total internal Microcomparacion of the preliminary title of the civil code. 3.1.2 MICROCOMPARACIONES within the right of legal act compared partial Microcomparacion within the right of legal act. Total Microcomparacion within the right of legal act. External Microcomparacion within the right of legal act. Internal Microcomparacion within the right of legal act. External partial Microcomparacion of the right of legal act.
Internal partial Microcomparacion of the right of legal act. Total external Microcomparacion of the right of legal act. Total Microcomparacion internal legal act law. 3.1.3 MICROCOMPARACIONES within the law of obligations compared partial Microcomparacion within the law of obligations. Total Microcomparacion within the law of obligations.
External Microcomparacion within the law of obligations. Internal Microcomparacion within the law of obligations. External partial Microcomparacion of the law of obligations. Internal partial Microcomparacion of the law of obligations. Total external Microcomparacion of the law of obligations. Total internal Microcomparacion of the law of obligations. 3.1.4 MICROCOMPARACIONES within the right of civil contracts compared partial Microcomparacion within the right of civil contracts. Total Microcomparacion within the right of civil contracts. External Microcomparacion within the right of civil contracts. Internal Microcomparacion within the right of civil contracts. External partial Microcomparacion of the law of civil contracts. Internal partial Microcomparacion of the law of civil contracts. Total external Microcomparacion of the right of civil contracts. Total Microcomparacion internal law of civil contracts. 3.1.5 MICROCOMPARACIONES within international law private compared partial Microcomparacion within international law private. Total Microcomparacion within private international law. External Microcomparacion within private international law. Internal Microcomparacion within private international law. External partial Microcomparacion of private international law. Internal partial Microcomparacion of private international law. Total external Microcomparacion of private international law. Total Microcomparacion internal private international law. 3.1.6 MICROCOMPARACIONES within real rights compared partial Microcomparacion within real rights. Total Microcomparacion within real rights.