Opening the section "Real Estate Agents" in any directory of organizations of Krasnoyarsk, we can see more than 400 companies working in this direction. Of course, all agencies need staff. That's why the board online ads in the newspapers are full of advertisements about hiring managers and real estate agents. And even the candidate with no experience in real estate, for sure, thinks: "And if I did not try your hand at Realtor profession? "And what is the specificity of the profession? Is a realtor experience? How many of the proposed job to choose the employer who will provide the most favorable and comfortable conditions labor? Job Realtor is perfect for active, sociable and motivated people, ready and able to self manage your time efficiently. Specificity of permits to produce a themselves qualities such as resistance to stress, ability to defend their point of view, to resist someone else's influence, improve self-confidence, which will undoubtedly prove useful to anyone. The main advantage of the profession is that the level of your income depends entirely on you and is practically unlimited. But at the same time, remember: if you want to achieve success in the post, you must tune in, it's not just a job but a way of life, that at any time will need to answer the bell a client or go to the show facility. In his paper realtor have to deal with many difficulties. According to experts, today the profession Real Estate in Russia is not prestigious, does not cause the trust of the population.